Considering Meat Birds


9 Years
Dec 4, 2010
Cairo, Ga
I have egg layers and thought about raising a few meat birds. I have already read that you need a brooder as with egg layers. How long do they normally stay in the brooder and what kind of enclosure do you put them in after brooder time is over with? Is a fenced in area okay, if it has some type of cover to protect them from predators? Do they need a place to get in out of the weather?
With you being in GA you might be able to get away with as little as 2 weeks in a brooder. 2 weeks olds can tolerate 50 degree lows and 3 week olds about freezing temps. I use a 4 x 8 brooder with a removable floor. I normally keep the peeps in the house a few days in large plastic totes. Then out they go to the brooder, the brooder it built to hold in heat and keep the chicks dry. As the temps dictate I open vents or seal thing up tight. Also have different amounts of heat lamps I can run.

At about 3 weeks they go to a 2 foot high tractor till they are butchered at 8 weeks. I prefer the tractors as i move them around to spread the manure in different places. I do have a roof on the tractors and 2 of the sides are covered with tin to protect them from the weather.

If you build tractors remember light is best. You want to be able to slide them across the ground easily. They need not be fancy.
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