Consolidated Kansas

Thanks you guys for the great ideas. I have food coloring and I also can get the zip ties. I look forward to getting my hens marked. And of course reduced in number.
I have a mean rooster; welsummer. One time he hit me with a spur and really made my leg bleed. I have thumped him with a leaf rake several times. today he almost got me again but I had a 1x2 about 3 feet long. I thought I had killed him as he was really stunned. Broke the 1x2 in half. However a minute later he was crowing. I have two welsummer chicks that are roos so the old roos days are numbered. Do you guys think young roos learn to be mean by watching older roos? If so he may need a dinner date sooner than later.
DH went to Topeka today and called saying that Menards had the washer I wanted at the sale price. He wasn't convinced that it was a good buy until he looked at it and was super impressed and excited about it. So I ordered it while ago. I was glad I did too, cause their service agreement was about a 4th as much as anyone else's. I hadn't even thought about looking there for one of them. So I guess when it gets here I will be a broke owner of a new high efficiency washer.
I worked outside this afternoon and got three gate panels drug across the yard to double the size of the turkey pens. I couldn't finish setting them up cause he had parked the trailer there and every vehicle he had here had the ball taken off the hitch. I've never switched out balls before so I left it for him to do. I want to get the pens done before I move the blue slates over there. It will be nicer for all of them. I am going to have to hang some more hardware cloth on the new section so the dumb wild turkeys don't beat themselves up.
I had to dig up some edging and some flowers to make room for the new panels. Then replant the flowers. I hope they do okay. Not really great weather for planting flowers.
Kansas Prairie that is so funny. I have put eggs in my coat pocket more times than I like to admit and forgot about them while I chored until I stuck my hand in the goo! At least my coat gets washed now and then because of that!!!!
Sounds like everyone enjoyed the nice weather today. I think the next few days will give everyone the time they need to finish up outdoor winter prep. I know I need the extra time. My coop is not near warm enough. I know they dont need it to be too warm but the walls are pretty thin in this temp coop so I want to put up something to help insulate. I have feed bags stapled to the inside of the coop to stop drafts which works wonderfully. I want to cover the windows they are 4x4 and only hardware cloth covered. I dont want to cover them with something dark because I want to be able to open the windows in the winter for light. I am thinking maybe window plastic for your homes windows?
I tried to join the FB Kansas Farm Animal Swap to post this but was rejected. :confused:

There is man in our area posting this on our local trader. 

"Free to a good home. She is great pyrenees x Anatolian shepherd she is a med to short hair dog
She is three or four she was born with goats and I got her and put her with goats. And she would stay with and my roping cattle then i got rid of the cattle and the goats and she got to roaming looking for some thing to guard so i had to pen her up i just hate to see her go to waste.
She has never been around chickens that wasnt in a pen. She has not been fixed.

Shes a real loving dog and likes females and kids better than men."

His FB account says he lives near Hooker, Oklahoma....and I know it's a weird name for a town.

Kansas Prairie, what is your FB name? We have been having to screen people lately due to so many problems with spammers, so if I know your handle on there I will approve you, just ask again. I complained to the FaceBook staff about spammers being able to block the admins so we can't see the spam ads, that just isn't right. I don't understand why they allow that at all, it sure makes a lot of work for us to get rid of it. I have also done that with eggs & then bent over to pick up something & had yolk running down my side or my pants, ick!

Well I went this afternoon & picked up another dog run to use for my Ameraucanas. The price was right even though the bottom pole on every panel was rusted really bad. The guy told me to go to Lowe's & I could buy replacement poles there for it, so before I came back I went & got those. They just bolt onto the bottom, so it shouldn't be that hard to replace them. I think this run is slightly bigger than the others I have, so after I get it up I'll decide if I want to put the turkeys in there or leave them where they are for now.

Danz, congrats on the new washer! I need new appliances so bad, my washer & dryer are over 20 years old. I sure would like to get new ones, but it's not in the cards for now, maybe next year. We got a Hopper for our Dishnetwork for one of our gifts together this year. Now we don't have to fight over who is taping what on the TV. We also got a new router for our computer network. We both have computers, a laptop, & the Hopper uses the network too. This router is a faster one than we have had, so hopefully it will allow for expansion.

Today was our anniversary, but we already celebrated it really twice already, once on the ship on vacation & last weekend we went out for dinner & a movie.

I'm so glad it's going to be warmer this weekend so I can get that dog run up & get it all set up & ready while I don't have to freeze to death doing it. I also want my DH to get trim on the coop so we can start working on windows & doors next. I need to make a run to the re-store for hinges, they have them really cheap there & all kinds of handles too.
Oh I soooo know what you are all saying about carrying the water. I'm taking water all over the place around here, I'm so thankful I have help. I'm LOVING the wagon for getting this done. I'm using 5 gallon buckets but I'm not filling them all the way to cut down on the splashing. It's still work, but it's not nearly so hard and it's keeping me from getting so wet.
Speaking of eggs in the pocket, I wasn't going to share but since you started it, here goes... I put on my dh's jacket a couple of days ago and when I stuck my hand it the pocket there was a sticky half dried egg. You'd think we would all know better than to put eggs in our pockets by now.

I wondered that too mikeksfarmer. If you get one mean one do they all follow his path. I have some roosters that are getting out of their pen. One of them totally attacked the rooster that we call the crazy chicken, named because he's scared of chickens. He had him totally penned down and we had to break it up. He didn't even do anything. He'll be gone by tomorrow, he's big enough and there's no sense in struggling with him when he's going to be dinner at some point anyway.

Danz, I'm so glad that you finally got your washer. I'm sure you'll love it.

It did get pretty nice out today Maidenwolf. I don't think the chickens will mind the cold so much as the wind. I think you're doing fine. I think the clear plastic is a good idea to cover the windows for the winter. I have one little coop that the door is just screen, I may have to cover that too, but so far they really seem fine in there.

Today we raked some more, got the big layer coop cleaned up, I'm not quite done yet. I want to put some plastic up on the fences on 2 of the pens to block the wind.
Sounds like everyone enjoyed the nice weather today. I think the next few days will give everyone the time they need to finish up outdoor winter prep. I know I need the extra time. My coop is not near warm enough. I know they don't need it to be too warm but the walls are pretty thin in this temp coop so I want to put up something to help insulate. I have feed bags stapled to the inside of the coop to stop drafts which works wonderfully. I want to cover the windows they are 4x4 and only hardware cloth covered. I don't want to cover them with something dark because I want to be able to open the windows in the winter for light. I am thinking maybe window plastic for your homes windows?
The feed bags stapled on the inside of the coop sound creative! Cool! They've got that coating so they shouldn't get wet and soggy. I've noticed ladies carrying feedbag purses, and feedbag tote bags. Some of the horse feed sacks make nice tote bags. Remember to keep some ventilation in your coop so it can dry out, if it's sealed up and you have several chickens their poop will make it humid in the coop, wet coop= trouble for the health of the chickens. The coop is mostly for predator control, their feathers should keep them warm, if we didn't have predators we could let them roost in the trees.
I went out hunting with my ds for a little bit this afternoon and while I was away, my children were on the iPad and made purchase while inside of an APP, about $35.00.
Kansas Prairie - I have put eggs in my pockets before and come so close to crushing the eggs. I bet that was fun to clean up!

Well an owl struck tonight and killed my NH Red. Fing OWL!!!!! That is the other bird my daughter had picked out this past Spring. I guess the newbies just don't know any better. I did save one of my other reds from the winged terror. She was under some chicken netting I have around one of my raised bed gardens so the owl couldn't get to her. The owl was on the fence above her when I walked up on them. She is not injured, just scared out of her mind. I know everyone keeps saying that the predators are bad this year, but come on!

Time to go drink a homebrew and let this steam blow off.
I discovered that nasty little ability on a free Android app this last week when my granddaughter found one when we were doing a puzzle. She didn't click on the button, but it was a close thing. These things are insidious.
I went out hunting with my ds for a little bit this afternoon and while I was away, my children were on the iPad and made purchase while inside of an APP, about $35.00.
I can't believe the owls this year. I've never had a problem with them and I'm sure I've probably lost 15 or more birds to them. I just lost one more that roosted on the high edge of one pen. The openings are too small for an owl to get through but she would roost up there with her back end exposed. I noticed she was missing yesterday.
I am supposed to meet a friend's husband tomorrow and pick up another peacock when he gets it caught. I intended to have the netting changed on a pen and have a taller center pole in before I had to pick him up. Crum!
I lost so much time with the heat this summer I can't see one week of decent weather helping me much. I still have a lot going on with my Dad too.
I did sell a couple ducks this morning and got the other new hatches out in the pen with the others. I guess what happened to the ducks was that they got into the neighbors yard and the neighbors dog broke their necks playing with them. The guy said it was his fault cause he had every thing secure except the fence between he and the neighbor. He said the dog was a nice dog and just played too rough but he was obviously very upset about loosing his ducks.
BTW if anyone wants or needs any young Black Copper Marans or barred rock cockerels I have a several to sell. I hate to sell them as meat birds because they are from excellent breeder/show stock. These are young birds but old enough to be outside... a couple months or more old. I will sell cheap.

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