Consolidated Kansas

Well, I probably won't be on for a while unless I have a major question. My MIL, who we are very close to, has cancer and it doesn't look good at all.
My poor DH is taking it very hard. We're still praying for a miracle tho. I'll drop in it I can tho.

I'm so sorry to hear that. My prayers coming your way. Please tell your DH I'm sorry to hear this. Remember you do have friends here and we don't have to talk about birds. We can listen as well on the forum or by personal message. You have my phone number if you just need to talk.
Great news this morning from the Kansas AG Department.

All restrictions for Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Cherokee, and Crawford counties have been lifted, and its states all operations can resume back to normal.

Great news this morning from the Kansas AG Department.

All restrictions for Leavenworth, Wyandotte, Cherokee, and Crawford counties have been lifted, and its states all operations can resume back to normal.
Yay for that, good news!

Well, I probably won't be on for a while unless I have a major question. My MIL, who we are very close to, has cancer and it doesn't look good at all.
My poor DH is taking it very hard. We're still praying for a miracle tho. I'll drop in it I can tho.
I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. I lost my mother to cancer in 1984 at the age of 66, my FIL in 1988 as well. & then my late husband in 1997. It runs very strongly in our family & all of my mother's siblings had one type or the other but one, that was 6 of 7 of them. My sister has had cancer also. We'll be thinking of you & like Danz said we're all here if you need us.
Hi! I'm new to Backyard Chicken forums, so this post is kind of a test to see how this all works.
I've never done forums before. Facebook, yes. Forums, no. So, my question is this. How can I train free-ranging chickens to come home to the coop when I need them to if it is not time for them to roost for the night?
Hi!  I'm new to Backyard Chicken forums. How can I train free-ranging chickens to come home to the coop when I need them to if it is not time for them to roost for the night?  

First off, welcome!

TREATS! I carried a small coffee can with grains, dried worms, etc and shake it when approaching, calling " chooks, chooks" the entire time when they were small. Gets em used to the voice and then just like Pavlov's dog test, they come running cuz dad is bringing me some good stuff!

Worked for me, what bout the rest of you out there? Anything different?
First off, welcome!

TREATS! I carried a small coffee can with grains, dried worms, etc and shake it when approaching, calling " chooks, chooks" the entire time when they were small. Gets em used to the voice and then just like Pavlov's dog test, they come running cuz dad is bringing me some good stuff!

Worked for me, what bout the rest of you out there? Anything different?
Yup. As Ralphie says in A Christmas Story, "A little bribe couldn't hurt."

I use a combination of scratch and sunflower seeds (BOSS), and they beat me to the run.
Well, I probably won't be on for a while unless I have a major question. My MIL, who we are very close to, has cancer and it doesn't look good at all.
My poor DH is taking it very hard. We're still praying for a miracle tho. I'll drop in it I can tho.
So sorry to hear! Prayers for peace and healing.
Hi! I'm new to Backyard Chicken forums, so this post is kind of a test to see how this all works.
I've never done forums before. Facebook, yes. Forums, no. So, my question is this. How can I train free-ranging chickens to come home to the coop when I need them to if it is not time for them to roost for the night?

Yep a certain call and something special to eat always works. I just yell Cheeekins! You of course have to feed them in the run a few times using the same call to get them used to it. Pavlov's chicken!
It's winter again. I swear! Miserable out there.
Grain Gypsy, welcome to the forum! I agree with the others, treats of any kind & use the same call. Actually I don't even have to call mine any more they're so conditioned. All I have to do is walk out the front door & they run from all over the yard to see if I have a treat for them. I give mine all kinds of goodies like fruits, veggies, & black oil sunflower seeds so they run to see what I might have that time. In the summer I like to give them melons when they're cheaper. They absolutely love watermelon & cantaloupe & it's a nice cool treat for them that gets them liquid when it's hot.

Boy yesterday was just miserable out there, it was so cold & windy. Today the sun is shining & it looks pretty nice out there. Thank goodness!
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Yesterday was Awful. :hit we came home from the hospital exhausted and we both had stress/fatigue headaches. DH crashed on the floor in immediately after walking in the door, poor guy. So I did the chores myself and let him sleep. Unfortunately I'm definitely feeling the after effects of all the stress today now. Sigh. I dealt with family stress on my side of the family earlier this week and now this. Sorry, I'll quit complaining. I guess I feel a little overloaded. Thanks for listening.

I do the same thing, I call 'Chick, Chick, Chick!' And the they come running and flying, afraid they're going to miss out on whatever tasty treat I might have for them. My friends laugh when they watch. Mine aren't tame enough for hat they like to be picked up and held but they do follow me around the farm hoping for more treats. ;) makes me feel like the Pied Piper. Lol

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