Consolidated Kansas

Hello from Hays!!

Welcome! Do you already have chickens or are you just planning to get some?

Danz that looks like my brooder right now, I just had another hatch today. I've got to get some chicks moved tomorrow to the other brooder.

Deerfield, it sounds like you've been busy.

I got a couple of dog run panels today & some fence yesterday was given to me so I hope to patch together a growout pen. I need to get these SS chicks out of the house, they're just too big for the brooder now & I need it for smaller chicks. I will have to come up with another end to the pen, but that shouldn't be too hard. I hope tomorrow is nice outside so I can work on it.
We have chickens! Thank you Ralph! I realize everyone isn't a fan of Naked Necks but we think they are quite fascinating and our roo is downright gorgeous! Our three EEs are just beautiful. One of the NNs gifted us with an egg on the way home. We are just stupidly proud of it. LOL!
Hello from Hays!!
Welcome to our group. Tell us a little more about yourself.

My crew around here wouldn't know what to do with that many chicks - they'd be so happy. How you know what's what is beyond me... I'm happy to be able to tell that there are some ducks in there.
You're girls would have a blast!! Yep there are a few ducks in there.

We have chickens! Thank you Ralph! I realize everyone isn't a fan of Naked Necks but we think they are quite fascinating and our roo is downright gorgeous! Our three EEs are just beautiful. One of the NNs gifted us with an egg on the way home. We are just stupidly proud of it. LOL!
Congrats on having chickens. Let the adventure begin.
It's been pouring here. Major rain and lots of lightening and thunder. I have some very happy geese and ducks. I'm afraid the basement is going to flood though because it was too much water for the gutters to handle. Looks like the house is sitting in a lake. I really need to do some major grading around here. The chickens love digging up close to the house which is leaving a place for water to collect. Not good.

Stopped by TSC yesterday, they had Turkens....came home with a bunch! :barnie

Way too many in brooder, so guess will raise them until I can pick my favs. Stinks sometimes living in the city, gotta get me some land.
Yes ChickenRookie you need to move out to the country where you can have as many as you want. Then you can join the ranks of those of us who have a chicken addiction, ha! I have people come here to pick up their chicks & they just look around in awe of all of the pens I have of chickens. I'm not quite in your league Danz, but close.

We actually got some rain last night too for the first time. It kept going around us in every direction & finally it stopped here. I sure hope we got enough to help, it's so darned dry here it's not funny.
[COLOR=0000FF]Welcome! Do you already have chickens or are you just planning to get some?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Danz that looks like my brooder right now, I just had another hatch today. I've got to get some chicks moved tomorrow to the other brooder.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Deerfield, it sounds like you've been busy.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]I got a couple of dog run panels today & some fence yesterday was given to me so I hope to patch together a growout pen. I need to get these SS chicks out of the house, they're just too big for the brooder now & I need it for smaller chicks. I will have to come up with another end to the pen, but that shouldn't be too hard. I hope tomorrow is nice outside so I can work on it.[/COLOR]
I have 14 assorted babies and turned my 1963 camper into the coop-and im completely addicted,and not sure why my post went here
Welcome to our forum. I have a 55 camper I call the ghetto. It's currently my batchelor pad. My extra roos and back up roos live there. Poor thing has definitely seen better days but it's a shelter. Maybe some day I'll replace it with something nicer. It's done a good job though.
I've been cleaning eggs getting ready to load the incubator. I need to go out and gather some more before they get water soaked. I have to ship some to my daughter since she has a broody. I'm going to send her today's eggs so they'll be the freshest.
Our 7 hens have given us 7 eggs within their first 48 hours home. I know those eggs were in progress and production will probably drop before it picks back up again but we're all still really tickled.
8 eggs from 8 hens today. Doesn't get much better than that!
We're going to candle the classroom eggs again on Wednesday, I'm hoping to see lots of happily developing embryos!

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