Consolidated Kansas

Here is the new guy.
. Seeley Jacob.

He's very quiet still and keeps his eyes wide open looking around most of the time. Keeping us all busy and happy.

Awww, what a cutie, congrats!
My coop/outbuilding is supposed to be delivered at 2:00 tomorrow. We will see. Then the real work will start, but it isn't a bit too soon. The Orps are getting picked on by the older hens, and the poor little Araucanas are sleeping under the ramps. I have a couple of hens who think they are crowded (and they are). I'm hoping to get the fence in this weekend and then finish the painting and other stuff by the middle of next week. We will have to put in the windows (they are framed in but not installed) and set up roosts and a pop door and paint. ARRRRGGG that sounds like a lot of work.
I'll trade you projects Sharol!! I can't wait to see your finished coop. Those birds are going to be really happy to have their own little home.
Are those a dwarf banana, Frizzled Pink? I'm wondering why the tree dies out? I had mine for years but they were full sized bananas and never got to bloom.
I got my border rock all back in place on the iris bed yesterday. Some of those rocks are huge and I just couldn't move them. I had to scoot them along bit by bit. I might actually get to start planting If I can find the energy and it doesn't rain. It's forecast but I'm hoping it goes north of us.
Ah he is precious. What's the stats? Weight etc. ? I noticed he arrived the same day your eggs were supposed to hatch didn't he?
6lb 9oz. 19 in. He came a few days early. :). Chicks have been hatching since Tuesday evening. One still popped out today. We lost power twice during the hatch. Once for 6 hours and I had to wrap the incubator. Then once for a couple hours while I was in the hospital so it just cooled down. I suppose we lost a few eggs but I didn't get to candle them like I planned anyway. And they got to hatch on the turner. So far far from planned. But we have 4 lavenders and three BR so far. I'll pull whatever doesn't make it by Saturday. What did hatch so far are some of the healthiest chicks I've ever had. So that's a plus out of the whole ordeal haha. That's what I get for thinking I could plan a birth comfortably lol.
6lb 9oz. 19 in. He came a few days early. :). Chicks have been hatching since Tuesday evening. One still popped out today. We lost power twice during the hatch. Once for 6 hours and I had to wrap the incubator. Then once for a couple hours while I was in the hospital so it just cooled down. I suppose we lost a few eggs but I didn't get to candle them like I planned anyway. And they got to hatch on the turner. So far far from planned. But we have 4 lavenders and three BR so far. I'll pull whatever doesn't make it by Saturday. What did hatch so far are some of the healthiest chicks I've ever had. So that's a plus out of the whole ordeal haha. That's what I get for thinking I could plan a birth comfortably lol.
The turkeys have until next Tuesday.

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