Consolidated Kansas

Is there a market at all for roos? I have 5 approx. 6 month old fellas that I think are 'easter eggers' that I really do not need. Last I heard there was a ban on selling chickens at swap meets. Is that ban lifted yet in Kansas?

The ban is still in place until Jan 1st 2016 unless the Dept of agriculture extends it longer. You can still sell your roosters for butcher. The going price of a butcher size bird is about $5 or maybe a couple dollars more if he's really big. An add on Craigslist is a good place to start.
Another busy day today but I sure didn't accomplish as much as I wanted. I swear the older I get, the longer it takes me to do things.
I've got to get some things done tomorrow for sure.
Hello Dani here
Am brand new to chickens and we are trying to decide if we should get our chickens now ( local feed store has a mix of chicks) or if you suggest waiting until Jan? We already have our coop which will hold 6 egg laying ladies from a neibor. Thank you
Hello Dani here
Am brand new to chickens and we are trying to decide if we should get our chickens now ( local feed store has a mix of chicks) or if you suggest waiting until Jan? We already have our coop which will hold 6 egg laying ladies from a neibor. Thank you

I am by far no expert on poultry, but raising chicks in Kansas fall and winter weather isn't a good idea. They would need extra care until they are fully feathered, that is for sure. But on the other hand, they should be laying by June or July next year, depending on the breed of chick. It would be best to get pullets now that are fully feathered. Most people that are raising poultry are now down-sizing and you can find them reasonably priced.
Finished the new coop/run. Netting is up and smaller wire along the base of the fencing.. I'm moving the 5 week olds and their moms tonight after it is dark and the lights in the coop are off. I fixed the light timer in the new coop so that it won't come on until the door is open. Fingers crossed on the combining of the groups. Once the chicks don't need their moms anymore, the two broodies will probably go back to their original coop.

I'm hoping this goes well. I really want to get out of here for Denver early Wednesday morning.
Hello Dani here
Am brand new to chickens and we are trying to decide if we should get our chickens now ( local feed store has a mix of chicks) or if you suggest waiting until Jan? We already have our coop which will hold 6 egg laying ladies from a neibor. Thank you
I differ a little from Ralph. I almost always hatch for my new layers in the fall. If you have access to electricity for your coop you can keep them warm, and there's almost always warm days at least off and on. The chicks depending on breed will be laying in the spring or late spring. If you can get some already started pullets that would be good as well. Just keep in mind that whatever you get isn't most likely going to give you many eggs this winter. It is a good time to buy some right now. I suggest never buying an adult hen though until you can learn the difference in age by looking at them.
Congrats on getting that done Sharol. Too bad you are leaving so soon after getting it all set up.
I got some netting hung around the pens I put up outside the building. DH has been working on the pop doors and managed to only get one installed. I hope the others go faster. I'm so tired. I still have a ton of things to get done but tomorrow I have to put my energy in the house. Seems my days just aren't long enough.
I have a Chocolate Orpington cockerel (20 weeks) and a Jubilee Orpington cockerel that need to be out of here tomorrow. With 3 cockerels, they are just too hard on the girls, and they are teenage roosters! I'll sell them cheap (as in make me an offer) if someone can pick them up Tuesday (the 20th) or after 5 today. I'm 10 miles north of Emporia on Hwy. 99 -- easy to find.

They are LF and 100% English: Ewe crazy farms and Fancy Chicks lines. They will mature at about 18 months, so they still have some growing to do. The pictures are a couple of weeks old. These birds are from chicken danz's eggs, so we al know he quality

I'm posting this to the swap sites and to Craigslist I need them out of here.

I typed an answer and my cat jumped up here and deleted it. Grrrr!
Sharol your post reminded me I never did get my roosters butchered. I guess they will end up bakers since I'm out of time now. Those old birds get pretty darned tough.
I've still got one more large group to move into the building but DH hasn't gotten the pop door installed yet. He got one door in and it took him two days. I swear I thought it would be maybe an hour long job. I asked him to get four of them in. There's too many birds for them to be forced to stay in one of those tiny pens. I may have to switch breeding groups around if he gets the second door in.
I got some kennels set up outside so they have at least some outdoor space until I can get some one to come in here and put in some permanent posts. I'm still waiting for estimates. I guess people don't want to make money any more.
I got my garlic planted yesterday, and put up some temporary fencing for them. Hopefully if it rains this week it may have a chance to get rooted some before a hard freeze.
I should drain my duck pond to water them but there just is no time.
Today is my final rush to get the house in shape to some degree.
Tomorrow is surgery day. Wish me luck.

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