Constipated 5 day old Guinea Keet... Help


9 Years
Mar 5, 2011
Berthoud, CO
My little guy has a hard ball of poo that he/she can't get out. It's anus is starting to swell and the poor thing just pushes and peeps and I feel so bad but I don't know what to do. I've never had this happen before. I think he/she might've ingested some wood shavings but I can't be certain. I don't have any grit handy but I could go get some. I put a dab of olive oil on the anus and tried mixing some in some yogurt for a treat but nobody's interested in that...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Try giving your bird applesauce, it acts as a mild laxative in poultry. Or mix one teaspoon molasses to a full glass of water and give that to your bird to drink.
Nobody is interested in trying any new food that I put out for them, and I am afraid to have it sit out for so long under the heat lamp.

Is there anything physically I could do, such as an enema or maybe even a little squeeze? I considered both but I figured I would wait to see what you all had to say.. I am a worry wart.
I've had this happen with a couple of mine before and I have squeezed it out, just like I saw them do on the Dirty Jobs episode where they showed how to sex day old chicks. Once I get the hard poop out, I make sure they have lots of fresh, clean water.
Funny you mention that, I re-watched that part of Dirty Jobs just now and got worried about forcing a big hard ball of poo out.. And is it okay to do at 6 days old?
I've done it to chick of all ages, mostly to the chicks at the feed store, but a few of my own, too. If you don't get it out, it will most likely die, right?
I'm scared to squeeze it.. It makes sense I just don't want to break the poor little guy. I wish there were closer up videos of how to do it.

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