constructing a single chicken family unit for porch

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As of this morning Sallie's brood appears to have suffered last mortality do to outbreak. Balance of chicks (n = 6) show no signs of stress. Also able to sex bitties based on hackle feathers. Four are males and two are females. Will need to have Sallie produce a second brood as more females will be needed next winter. She should do better next time with acquired experience. Weather will also be milder.

This brood already runs and flies to me ahead of Sallie when I call. Just like their mother did last summer, they will fly horizontally a good 40 feet to avoid walking through grass more than 6 inches tall.

Updated count versus time. Hopefully no futher adjustments other than life-stage changes to be made.
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I use a baby scale that works on batteries. my scale lives in coop#1 in my private area where i keep feed blue cote ect
Donna in branson
I have been used by chicken as baby sitter.

I came home early from work around noon with different kinds of meal worms for Sallie and her brood. I called and they came running / flying for their favorite treat. I also provided canned (dead but moist) mealworms of which they were allowed to consume all. Chicks topped off thier crops and got dozey. I sat on ground in yard where Sallie then approached. She stood about not clucking as chicks piled up next to me and went to sleep. Sallie then walked quietly away and started foraging quite agreessively about 30 feet away leaving chicks with me. She was using me I guess as a baby sitter. When she was done foraging after about 10 minutes, she came back, started clucking and chicks got up and followed her.

At such close range, one can hear some interesting variations in communication between chicks and mother that are not evident from a standing position.
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Following sequence showing Sallie and her brood prior to the baby sitting bout.

Sallie in dirt pile used for dust bathing. Bitties in cave behind her. Chickens made the cave. It serves as a focal point for free-ranging flock that is now increasing based in front yard away from house. All members excepting two brooding hens have moved to roost constructed next garden.

Sallie and brood approaching in response to my call.

Sallie and brood on my chest as I lay prone on my back.


Another shot.

Notice they are not concerned about me.

What makes this unusual to me is that hen does not prevent such interactions. It is easy to make happen with hand raised chicks but this is with a protective mother game hen.
Most of Sallies brood 1 is no longer. All but one passed. I thought a parasite or pathogen was cause but last three birds to pass were dissected. It appears consumption of cracked corn in scratch causing crop impaction was culprit all along. It does not take much to result in mortality. With some chicks, death required multiple days once signs evident but crop was not always distended. Infection appears to be part of immediate cause of death, not just starvation and dehydration. I tried yogurt, baby parrot feed, massaging crop and surgery. Even surgical removal seemed inadequate as offending particles seemed to be obstructing the plumbing going from crop to gizzard. Hybrid (x dom) half-sibling and pure dominiques of same age were not affected despite consuming exact same diet. This will not be allowed to happen again. After Friday remaining chick will be removed and Sallie reconditioned for another efffort. She has enought time for two full term broods to compensate for losses. Surviving chick (female) has been designated "Spud". She knows her name now and can be called by it in rotation with rooster (Eduardo) and Sallie (mom).

In past never had such problems. We used hog feed instead of scratch. We also did not count our chickens until they crowed. After all this time still learning as if started yesterday.
Very frustrating. Once I figured out what was going on affected birds were treated at 4 hour intervals around clock. Went on for almost a week. A great deal of effort was invested and it is difficult not to become attached. They were approaching age where personalities were becoming evident. I am not sure Sallie is aware of loss.
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