constructing a single chicken family unit for porch

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I have been following the thread and I am sorry about Eduardo! It seems I have come to know him through your posts about him! I hope he pulls through and he did his job trying to protect his girls.
I agree with welsharon!
I initiately threatened to shoot dog upon next visit but still trying to preserve relationship with neighbor. Discussion got heated enough that of calling law enforcement was used, on me. Since it has been smoothed out and I am willing to help neighbor break dog of chicken killing habit which he is considering. If dog can be turned to good side, then I will again have a degree of predator protection from southeast. Luckily dog invested most effort in cockyard where he could not get through pens inpart because my dog was able to distract him there. My dog needs to do some more maturing to be effective against other dogs. I was told German Short-Haired Pointers were slow to mature and Scoob appears consistent with breed. Still handles wildlife very well.
Actually the moron did get tagged while protecting his flock. To be honest I think his investment was actually in his offpsring since presently he makes no advances in adult females but still associates with offspring, both males and females.
You are kinder than I. Dog would be broken or dead....but then I have a very short fuse when people are irresponsible. I guess it is not the dog's fault really. So, just shoot the owner....
Believe you me I have a shorter fuse than most. I am trying to learn from past mistakes and not make things worth by being a hothead. Someone of my stature can not appear threatening as sometimes size does matter. Dog issure will be resolved and vigilance will be stepped up until that is so. Neighbor now sees I value my birds and was shook up by my tirade.
Eduardo still kicking and on upswing. He is clearly sore and flightless. Appettite is returning which good since his weight is down to 1950 g from his top flight weight of ~ 2150. He is cackling and crowing again.



Closeup showing area of bite.

Was difficult to get him to stand.
I have had some get dinged up worse and pull through with complete recovery. Also had some where a wing had to be amputated. By all indicatators Eduardo falls into the former group.

I wonder if I can pull the balance of the damaged feathers so new ones will be in place by spring? Would only do so after muscle and skeletal tissues largely healed. I need a bird in good feather for kids at feild day events. Eduardos half red jungle fowl: half game sons appear not up to task despite being beautiful. The boys let me handle them but no one else.
So Sorry to hear about Eduardo. Its bad enough to have to deal with predators who just need to eat..... then have to deal with domestic dogs who have not got a lot of good sense except to chase and kill and when that fun is over find another to chase and kill.... I had a pack try to get my goats one year..... Dealt with by removing visual cues put up a wall made of old swimming pool side walls which is hard but flexible plastic.... outa sight outa mind.

I had a female Guinea loose a leg all the way up to the hip joint by Raccoon. With nothing more than isolation from the other birds and a safe place to recoup she is back with the flock..... Though her pecking order status is now at the bottom they don't abuse her. I adopted a Guinea from a BYC friend and he is now the bottom.... which is good for her.

I have heard conflicting stories about pulling feathers..... It may not grow back..... Or if the feather is cut too short, as in the case of Clipping wings it will have a hard time shedding with moult.... But I believe your first instinct on that to be right. Good luck.... I am off to read up it because The guinea that came to me has had one wing clipped and I want to give him the best chance of full flight by next spring.

Oh and how is baby Trueman doing? And MOM..... Gawd this all must be so sressfull for her.
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