Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

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This is BamBam. He was being bad so I had to abuse him by rubbing his belly until he fell asleep.
I love him. I do. Black webs on a towel alert!!!!!

He is hilarious! I can't wait until he can actually pick up his plug, binky, pacifier, whatever, so I can get a pic. Right now he nibbles on it but picks it up sideways and it is too cute! I wish I knew what type of goose he is...he could be a she. I named him Nibbles but then everybody has that name so I chaned it. His little mate is Pebbles.
I thot he was a duck. Oh, I love baby gooses. And adults, too. He or maybe she is adorable. I'd love to see pics of him playing with his toys. It will be interesting to see what BamBam's breed will be. Please, as you can, keep us updated. Is Pebbles his sibling?
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