Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

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This is SInclair my Silver laced Wyaandotte rooster. I tried very hard to get a picture of him But my Yorkie..Peanut is being very
over protective of this baby. Because I call him a baby, Peanut tries to sleep with him and wont let him out of his sight lol. Its absolutely adorable
Momma Chicken with Her Baby Ducklings
Last July my Silver Lace Wyandotte went broody and was sitting on unfertile chicken eggs. I knew that my drake was doing his job so I gave her some duck eggs. Late in the evening on July 16, 2016 as I was securing the coop for the night, I heard peeping sounds from the nest box. Out emerged 2 adorable ducklings. Momma chicken cared for her babies until they were on their own. She tried in vain to teach them all the ways of chickens. I don't think that she ever quite understood why they loved playing in water and didn't search for food by scratching the soil. Picture taken 7/17/2016.

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