Ended Contest 5: Cutest Baby Fowl - 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch A Long

Entry #1 my white sport legbar chick just under four weeks

This is Ferris, my hopefully female quail chick. She is an only chick, as no other eggs hatched out of the ten I set. She loves to hide in my skirt whenever I sit down, and when am not around she sleeps under her surrogate sock mum. I hope she will become a sweet quail whom I can free range under supervision with our bantams. I set some eggs yesterday so she will have some buddies in a few weeks. We will keep her, even if she turns out to be a male. Anyways, here are the pictures:

Sorry they are all kind of blurry, she is a fast little thing!
This is Ferris, my hopefully female quail chick. She is an only chick, as no other eggs hatched out of the ten I set. She loves to hide in my skirt whenever I sit down, and when am not around she sleeps under her surrogate sock mum. I hope she will become a sweet quail whom I can free range under supervision with our bantams. I set some eggs yesterday so she will have some buddies in a few weeks. We will keep her, even if she turns out to be a male. Anyways, here are the pictures: [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Sorry they are all kind of blurry, she is a fast little thing!
they fly really well. If you want to free range you'll have to trim a wing or it'll take off on you, literally fly away.
This has given me hatch fever!! I can't wait for my little chicks to arrive! Next year I might just have to try an incubator. What beautiful pictures of new life! Love them all.

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