Continuous Feather pulling while mating >:( PICS


8 Years
Feb 24, 2011
So after so many days of my two pekin ducks mating my babygirls neck has become really bad!

I couldnt separate them during nights because it was cold out, (splitting their coop in half but one half is caged the other half is enclosed, I would put him in the caged side because her nest is inside in the enclosed) now its just normal "night" weather. Its chilly but not freezing cold like it was before.
Would it be okay to separate them now?
Would they feel lonely even though they can still see each other? only thing separating them would be "cage wire"

Also, is there anything I can put over her wound so that it heals?
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So after so many days of my two pekin ducks mating my babygirls neck has become really bad!

I couldnt separate them during nights because it was cold out, (splitting their coop in half but one half is caged the other half is enclosed, I would put him in the caged side because her nest is inside in the enclosed) now its just normal "night" weather. Its chilly but not freezing cold like it was before.
Would it be okay to separate them now?
Would they feel lonely even though they can still see each other? only thing separating them would be "cage wire"

Also, is there anything I can put over her wound so that it heals?

I know you don't like this behavor in your drake but this is very normal, yesr separate them but I bet neither one will be happy with the sitiuation. Put some antibiotic salve on her wound it will heal fast.
I've seen alot worse when mine start to mate, I think with time you'll see him calming down and won't be as agressive. Also since they don't have hands this is the only way they can hang on. lol
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I know you don't like this behavor in your drake but this is very normal, yesr separate them but I bet neither one will be happy with the sitiuation. Put some antibiotic salve on her wound it will heal fast.
I've seen alot worse when mine start to mate, I think with time you'll see him calming down and won't be as agressive. Also since they don't have hands this is the only way they can hang on. lol

It's normal? Are you are? Because on my other thread others were saying to separate them before it gets ugly and bloody. I can see a bit of blood coming and that's why I'm concerned. With the previous drake we had, they would mate but it never got this bad :(
& yeah I understand he need to hold himself up lok it's just looking really bad because she walks around with a red bruised neck. There are absolutely no feathers now and I'm trying to avoid a bloody mess
i will use antibiotic salve :) thnks!
It's normal? Are you are? Because on my other thread others were saying to separate them before it gets ugly and bloody. I can see a bit of blood coming and that's why I'm concerned. With the previous drake we had, they would mate but it never got this bad :(
& yeah I understand he need to hold himself up lok it's just looking really bad because she walks around with a red bruised neck. There are absolutely no feathers now and I'm trying to avoid a bloody mess
i will use antibiotic salve :) thnks!

Some drakes are more assertive than others, If you want to separate them till she heals then go ahead but it is normal mating stuff. Give her a few days to heal and put them together for a short time and if he starts pulling feathers agin, just let them be together for short periods till his hormones have calmed down some, If they are young then thats another reason he is being aggressive, it takes a bit of time for them to learn what is the best approach, I don't think he is trying to hurt her on purpose. Just being a drake.
I just started raising ducks and my male is just beating up on my the female magpie. I have now put her in a seperate cage from the others. They have bloodied her head and pulled a lot of feathers. Is this normal?
I just started raising ducks and my male is just beating up on my the female magpie. I have now put her in a seperate cage from the others. They have bloodied her head and pulled a lot of feathers. Is this normal?
You did the right thing. She needs your protection. I cannot say it is normal, exactly - but it is not uncommon. You say your male, and then they . . . how many drakes, how many ducks (girls)? What does happen often is that when there are more drakes than ducks, or even more than a small number of drakes even with several ducks, a duck will get picked on and can get killed. Awful, but it does happen.

She needs some TLC, we don't want her injuries getting infected. She needs to be able to bathe in lukewarm water a time or two so you can look her over carefully for wounds. Check her eyes - if they seem to be swollen you may need to get some eyedrops or maybe Vetericyn eye ointment or something. Even a mild saline solution you can make at home can help.

If you have only one female, you need to fix the ratio of males to females somehow. Getting more females or having fewer males or going with an all-drake flock and rehoming her where she will be safe are some options.
I have a male and female Peking and a male and female magpie. It is the female magpie that they are abusing. The female Peking does try to protect her. I was thinking maybe I needed to get a couple more females to give these 2 a break.

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