Coolest Mixed Breed contest

Dusty is an absolutely beautiful roo!!! Reminds me of my OEGB, Rocky that I lost earlier this year. I still miss him and he is the papa to Roxanne.

Silkie/Cochin/ mix pullet
4 months in this picture
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Okay, here he is:

Name: Peyson
Age: A year in June
Gender: Male
Breed: Cayuga/Pekin

What a beauty! Such pretty colors! :)

Thanks for the compliments on Dusty, everyone! The reason he's named Dusty is because he was raised under a feather duster. He was the only chick, and he wanted to be held- nonstop. He would scream if I didn't hold him. I couldn't hold him and get any work done at the same time, so I ended up getting a feather duster for him to cuddle under- I guess it was close enough to a momma hen for him, because he was quiet! :)
Here are some of my favorite mixed breeds that I own/have owned:

d'Uccle mix rooster
A few years old?

OEGB mix? rooster
2 years old

Not a clear picture but.....this is Peekaboo.
Silkie/Cochin/Polish mix pullet
6 months in this picture

Peekaboo! I love that little fluff of feathers on her head. To cute
My rooster Fluffy Puffy was raised on a duster also! But we called them Fluffy Puffies.

What a beauty! Such pretty colors! :)

Thanks for the compliments on Dusty, everyone! The reason he's named Dusty is because he was raised under a feather duster. He was the only chick, and he wanted to be held- nonstop. He would scream if I didn't hold him. I couldn't hold him and get any work done at the same time, so I ended up getting a feather duster for him to cuddle under- I guess it was close enough to a momma hen for him, because he was quiet! :)

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