Coons and meaties


9 Years
May 5, 2010
In 11yrs we had never had a coon on our property. I think I now have one as the compost lids are off in the morning. Paranoid that my meaties and layers are going to be killed. I will be really ticked as I am planning on starting processing this weekend and have not lost a single bird. What can I put down??? Moth balls??? I have two dogs so it can't be poison and can't shoot it as neighbors are close:(
Keep them in a full enclosure, they should be fine. I have meaties in an 8 x 8 x2 foot chicken tractor half is plywood half is 1" chicken wire. I have lots of coons and not one loss from a predator.
They are all enclosed but I am worried that they will rip the chicken wire or dig underneath
You can always try to trap them. I typically use a live trap such as the have-a-heart trap. Put something inside the trap that is more interesting than the contents of your compost bins as the bait. After you catch one you can get rid of it in whatever method you choose.

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