Use your coop as the "tunnel." Close 2 sides and put addition adjacent to whichever side of coop you need
Thank you for your help. So many nice people took the time to reply. I thought of that but my first thought is to have something that can be moved so they don't run out of grass. I will keep your idea in mind.
@ColoradoPip ’s idea for a tunnel is really the only thing I could un when you mentionEd the word pipes...I didn’t know if you wanted the hens to go through it or what :lol: but, he has a great idea..and that would just BE your more room. I think you could get it started with chicken wire...that’s what we did...but then, when we had more time...and understanding of what we really wanted out of our coop design..that’s when we went back and put on the hardware cloth...and I recommended...don’t make any cuts until you are really sure! :). We added a 2nd door to our coop...I don’t know how many hens you have..we have 35, and plan for more...but we put the 2nd door for easy shoveling out the’s really nice not to have to move the wheelbarrow around, etc. so, think about how you use your coop now, and design it around your own needs.
Use your coop as the "tunnel." Close 2 sides and put addition adjacent to whichever side of coop you need
Thanks as I see you have posted twice. I might just move the current coop/run as an option. Yes, I know it is heavy as anything and I am not as young as I used to be but the first coop I had was a duplicate of this one and putting PVC pipes under the coop enables it to move as easily as moving a couch on a tile floor. I got that idea from watching the Egyptians build the pyramids (on TV, of course). They used logs to roll those great big stones.
@ColoradoPip ’s idea for a tunnel is really the only thing I could un when you mentionEd the word pipes...I didn’t know if you wanted the hens to go through it or what :lol: but, he has a great idea..and that would just BE your more room. I think you could get it started with chicken wire...that’s what we did...but then, when we had more time...and understanding of what we really wanted out of our coop design..that’s when we went back and put on the hardware cloth...and I recommended...don’t make any cuts until you are really sure! :). We added a 2nd door to our coop...I don’t know how many hens you have..we have 35, and plan for more...but we put the 2nd door for easy shoveling out the’s really nice not to have to move the wheelbarrow around, etc. so, think about how you use your coop now, and design it around your own needs.
Thank you for responding. I agree Colorado Pip has a great idea. I would go right to the hardware cloth. I have enough already. Don't laugh. I am only allowed to have four in our county. I had to go before the Commissioners for them to change the law. It took almost six months to get that done. I should live on a farm because then I could have all kinds of animals. Another change I will make to the coop is to put a tray in the bottom of the coop and use it like a drawer in a bureau. Pull it out to empty shavings and put it back with new and clean shavings. I installed an automatic door opener but find myself out there first thing in the morning and last thing at night to make sure everything is okay.
Thank you for responding. I agree Colorado Pip has a great idea. I would go right to the hardware cloth. I have enough already. Don't laugh. I am only allowed to have four in our county. I had to go before the Commissioners for them to change the law. It took almost six months to get that done. I should live on a farm because then I could have all kinds of animals. Another change I will make to the coop is to put a tray in the bottom of the coop and use it like a drawer in a bureau. Pull it out to empty shavings and put it back with new and clean shavings. I installed an automatic door opener but find myself out there first thing in the morning and last thing at night to make sure everything is okay.
Yeah, that’s why we didn’t get the coop door thing..I always go check water and the feed...I’m already out closing and opening up the farm for the day, so..the chickens can’t be forgotten. That’s great you have them in your routine! Why would I laugh? I think it’s great that you have chickens, period! And I think it’s great that you e already figured out your needs for your coop design so you wont need to change it later. We had to do a large scale Reno over the holidays..there’s still a small section not done because our temps are in the negatives right now...but the new coop is fantastic, and I’m sure your new run will be too..and the girls will be thrilled to have more space! :)
Thanks for your reply. I know what hardware cloth is but what do you mean by the apron. Is it the border at the bottom.
Yes, it is hardware cloth attached along the very bottom edge of the run and coop and spread out to cover 2 feet or more of the ground. It prevents digging critters. Some people prefer to dig straight down and bury 2 or mor feet of hardware cloth as an underground wall barrier.
You mention the drawer idea. I have 2 coops that have something like this, kinda sliding shelf like . It’s not very deep and I never use it. When sliding it out the opening acts like a squeegee and clears the shelf causing the soiled bedding to fall on the ground underneath. Now if your plan is to make it as deep as an actual drawer it might work. You just would need to remember to not fill it to the top. If you do it please post pictures. I’d love to see that work.
Yes, it is hardware cloth attached along the very bottom edge of the run and coop and spread out to cover 2 feet or more of the ground. It prevents digging critters. Some people prefer to dig straight down and bury 2 or mor feet of hardware cloth as an underground wall barrier.
You mention the drawer idea. I have 2 coops that have something like this, kinda sliding shelf like . It’s not very deep and I never use it. When sliding it out the opening acts like a squeegee and clears the shelf causing the soiled bedding to fall on the ground underneath. Now if your plan is to make it as deep as an actual drawer it might work. You just would need to remember to not fill it to the top. If you do it please post pictures. I’d love to see that work.
We always ask for pictures..I think were nosy..:lol: no, just trying to be helpful, after our trials and errors
You mention the drawer idea. I have 2 coops that have something like this, kinda sliding shelf like . It’s not very deep and I never use it. When sliding it out the opening acts like a squeegee and clears the shelf causing the soiled bedding to fall on the ground underneath.

Those sliding clean out trays never work as people hope they will. I like your description of the opening acting as a poop squeegee!

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