Coop advice?


🐓 Silkie Queen 🐓
8 Years
Mar 18, 2016
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Hi all, I was hoping you would have some advice for me! My silkie coop right now is an old well house with sturdy rock walls. The only problem is I can't really nail roosting bars into the walls. Any ideas or help?
Right on. When I mentioned the roof, I forgot to say how I did mine as I have a roof suspended roost ladder inside my coop - made of 2x3 lumber, sits at angle with one side resting on floor, the other is suspended from overhead roof purlin using hooks and eye bolts - so I can remove it for cleaning.
That hook/eye connection works great for stuff you might want to remove easily, I used to have roost ladders hanging off the walls inside, and a big heavy ramp going into the coop
Two concrete blocks and a branch or board make a serviceable perch:


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