Coop against the side of the house and pests

I have 24 chickens in the coop outside the kitchen window. The bedding is sand and PDZ. The poop gets scooped (like a giant kitty litter box) every two or three days and dumped in the compost pile. The sand and PDZ makes it easy to scoop; it takes about 15 minutes. Folks that mentioned metal trash cans for the feed are spot on. I use metal cans to hold fresh feed and one to drop the feeders in when the chickens go in for the night. We are not now nor have we ever been innundated with rodents.

How much Sweet PDZ do you use in your sand? Our run is 10x7 and has 6 inches of sand over several inches of drainage gravel. Thanks!
How much Sweet PDZ do you use in your sand? Our run is 10x7 and has 6 inches of sand over several inches of drainage gravel. Thanks!

How much.....I don't have a ratio of sand to PDZ. The coop is 8'x10'. I end up getting whatever TSC has in stock -- maybe three or four bags of granules -- and I try to keep about four inches of material on the floor.
say 50-50 ratio...I use pdz also . I have a coop within two feet of the house. The main issue is the dust on the siding...gets a bit dirty. That's it. Nothing smelly about this coop. If you are concerned about predators, see the link in my signature for an electric fencing idea. No predator has entered the yard. And I live in the woods.

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