coop bedding- what do you prefer??

Mint is invasive in NC,I threw some in what is now my chicken run,It is scattered around and moving throughout the run.
I tried containing both spearmint and peppermint in herb garden,have figured out that mint like chickens pretty much goes where it feels the inspiration takes it !.
I tend to look at my chickens and dogs like adventure to enjoy!.
I giggle and get frustrated, cry and laugh,wait in very vocal anticipation for my Dixie Chick run to finish so the noisy critters can join my excentric and eclectric family!..
One mint scrap will yeild more mint then you want.
Among the benifiets...stops moles,raccoons and Opposum.
Wow I need a bucket of scraps of that. Thanks
Mint is invasive in NC,I threw some in what is now my chicken run,It is scattered around and moving throughout the run.
I tried containing both spearmint and peppermint in herb garden,have figured out that mint like chickens pretty much goes where it feels the inspiration takes it !.
I tend to look at my chickens and dogs like adventure to enjoy!.
I giggle and get frustrated, cry and laugh,wait in very vocal anticipation for my Dixie Chick run to finish so the noisy critters can join my excentric and eclectric family!..
One mint scrap will yeild more mint then you want.
Among the benifiets...stops moles,raccoons and Opposum.
How does mint survive cold winters, any idea?
I think it all depends on where you live, and what your coop layout is like. My coop is a sheltered, open air concept, and has a dirt floor. I use pine shavings in my nest boxes. The nest boxes stay clean, are easy to clean, and I always get nice clean eggs. I use the deep litter method in the sheltered area of my coop and use straw. My flock loves to scratch around in it. I just fluff it every day or two with a pitch fork and add more straw as needed. Every 6 months or so, I pitch it in the compost pile and start over. My run floor is dirt also, and here in the pacific northwest, we get a lot of rain, and it can get very muddy. I just throw down chips (apple and plum tree branches that we prune in the spring, and run through the chipper) in the high traffic areas when it gets too mucky. I know a lot of people who have used sand and pea gravel and love it. I just haven't had a chance to try it out for myself, though I'd like to.
A bit off topic but I've had my new pullets in their coop/run for several weeks now. How much DE would you say you use and how often. I use aspen shavings which are supposed to have low amounts of dust for respiratory benefits. (And I can find it at pet stores) and I dust DE on top, on roosts and in the run. It looks like a light dusting of snow. Too much?? Should I dust around the outside of the coop as well?

A bit off topic but I've had my new pullets in their coop/run for several weeks now. How much DE would you say you use and how often. I use aspen shavings which are supposed to have low amounts of dust for respiratory benefits. (And I can find it at pet stores) and I dust DE on top, on roosts and in the run. It looks like a light dusting of snow. Too much?? Should I dust around the outside of the coop as well?

I wouldn't use aspen, it very quickly molds under moist conditions like a bunch of breathing and pooping, sleeping chickens.

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