coop bedding- what do you prefer??

It gets so hot in La that I've been spraying down the litter to cool it off. Also spraying the girls. They make a racket but it does cool them down so much. I started with the same leaves and shavings. Ever so often I'll add more. It just seems to go right down. I use fermented feed so I never have a poop smell. I haven't got my run up and going yet but one step at a time.
Wetting the litter is going to make it start decomposing, producing more heat (Unless it's so hot it dries almost instantly)
I too use sand inside my coop. I have used it for at least 6 months and love how easy it it. When starting with the sand, I had several inches of it. After doing a deep clean after about 5 months, I added fresh sand but left it a thin layer. It is almost just enough to keep the poop from sticking to the wood floor but not so much it is like being at the beach. I clean poop every day with a cat little scoop. Fast and easy for me. I am not concerned with studies and articles. It has worked for me and my chickens are healthy and happy. Prior to the sand I used shavings which kept the coop dirtier/stinkier/wetter because the poop did not dry out and was hard to see mixed in with the shavings therefore harder to clean. I also noticed some sneezing from the chickens when I used shavings.I still use shavings in the next boxes though.
It gets so hot in La that I've been spraying down the litter to cool it off. Also spraying the girls. They make a racket but it does cool them down so much. I started with the same leaves and shavings. Ever so often I'll add more. It just seems to go right down. I use fermented feed so I never have a poop smell. I haven't got my run up and going yet but one step at a time.

Doing FF as well since we got them. Plus lots of veggies.

I try to keep my litter dry.
It gets so hot in La that I've been spraying down the litter to cool it off. Also spraying the girls. They make a racket but it does cool them down so much. I started with the same leaves and shavings. Ever so often I'll add more. It just seems to go right down. I use fermented feed so I never have a poop smell. I haven't got my run up and going yet but one step at a time.

I thought keeping bedding dry was like a cardinal rule of chicken keeping? I'd be worried about diseases and mold with wet litter.

Just curious, but what are you using for litter? I'm in the Gulf coast too, and the humidity is miserable. Ten minutes outside and I was soaked to the skin. If you spray down the litter, how are you getting it to dry inside a coop?
I thought keeping bedding dry was like a cardinal rule of chicken keeping? I'd be worried about diseases and mold with wet litter.

Just curious, but what are you using for litter? I'm in the Gulf coast too, and the humidity is miserable. Ten minutes outside and I was soaked to the skin. If you spray down the litter, how are you getting it to dry inside a coop?
Depends a bit. In Finland, wetting a deep litter is a traditional way to heat a chicken coop during winter.

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