coop bedding- what do you prefer??

Yall I went with my premium shavings from TSC since I only have 7 babies..and I added some DE. Every morning I poop scoop and fluff and add a lil or rotate it to the run and scoop out the yuck from the run. Ive been able to let my lil ones free range in the early mornings before it gets over 90 some and made a roll down shade for one side of their cade for shade when sun gets over and too hot. We have no trees im an urbanite in Austin Tx. With neighbors real close. Keeping it dry and shaded and with DE in the mix and fly traps around has dropped the fly population a lot all thanks to reading on hear. Ty yall.
Yall I went with my premium shavings from TSC since I only have 7 babies..and I added some DE. Every morning I poop scoop and fluff and add a lil or rotate it to the run and scoop out the yuck from the run. Ive been able to let my lil ones free range in the early mornings before it gets over 90 some and made a roll down shade for one side of their cade for shade when sun gets over and too hot. We have no trees im an urbanite in Austin Tx. With neighbors real close. Keeping it dry and shaded and with DE in the mix and fly traps around has dropped the fly population a lot all thanks to reading on hear. Ty yall.

Hey sonia,
good for you. Austin is one of my fav places. My daughter lives in Kyle right by it. Keep a sprinkler going a min or two a couple of times a day and put out frozen 2 lt bottles. Cool them off.
I mixed it in with the shavings ezicash.. LindaB220 I used to live in Kyle years ago. I mist down the top of the coop to cool things off and have a wading pan in there with a brick covered in water too. They drink from it and stand on it. They hate when I mist them freaks them out..and when I do the flies come running. I put frozen water bottles every where. Gonna make them a portable ac out of a ice cooler and fan and pvc pipe I saw online to turn on in hottest part of the day. In the coop I have a fan that circulates and lots of vents they are happy every morning. Ty I love Austin Im a originally a east coaster but I love it here.
I have only 1 vent in my coop but our temp does not go over 100 degree so i think I am OK. I live in central IL but originally I am a Mainer. Thanks for the DE advice
I learned about DE through all the wonderful ppl on here. Just bought it yesterday and put in that morning. I have several vents because its dry here but when winter comes it doesnt get super cold but there is moisture. I still get a lot of dew on the grass in early mornings here and their coop is always dry with the lil fan circulating and I keep a red light on all night in case of predators even in the austin area we get oppossums. Coons..seen a fox. And saw a giant mouse run through back of my garden. And I read if its super dark in their coop they go in a deep lull and can be less likely to to run or tey to get away. I made a secure coop..but never say never is my motto. They mean a lot to me. Good luck as everyday is a new lesson.
Moisture? My coop is small just 2 boxes and I have pine shavings and straw in the 2 boxes and i clean out each week.

I have solar lights all around their run so it is lit up at night. Their coop is dark - so are you saying i should run an electrical wire in my coop and plug in a red light? My coop is way too small for anything except my 3 RIR and they are big birds (smile) only 3 1/2 months old and they are BIG!
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I have a 4x4 square coop plus two laying boxes about 4x2 deep and the coop stands on pillars and the from the base where the sleep goes from 4ft up to 6ft for good venting and I have 4 blk sex links. I keep mine in their coop all night because im paranoid of predators is all. Im new to it all like going on only 9 weeks old like my chicks. Going to build a small coop for my 3 bantam silkies I have next they are tiny. Here is my coop and couple of my blk sex links hens. You have to do what works for you. What I am finding is trial and error. And I use this site to gather info and use it to my ability and what I can afford. I take care of my birds through my ssi. My hubs works hard for the city. My chicks are my therapy I have severe fibromyalgia and dont travel hardly ever. So my backyard is my heaven. I live on if im lucky with my home one acre. Follow your gut.

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