Coop cleaning.

I use straw, and normally clean it once a week. If I see poop buildup I'll spot clean, but it's not been bad. This week I cleaned on Tuesday and they pooped more than usual on the shelf they sleep on so I'm going to be cleaning off that shelf tomorrow and the floor around it (they love knocking straw off if they can). The bottom shelf and nesting boxes all still look good. My run does too, except for a few spots they've decided to dig down for dust baths I need to fill again (they like to dig near the side where the chicken wire is and the last thing I need is a weak spot for predators, silly chickens). I may have to reassess for winter since the days are shorter and they are starting to go in a little earlier, maybe twice a week during winter months.
I use washed construction sand (multi purpose sand at home depot) in the summer and spiring. I clean it usually once every 3-4 weeks depending on the poop build up. If you install dropping boards you will clean it much much less often. In the fall and winter i use pin shavings and leaves from fall and i turn the bedding and add more very week (kind of like deep litter method). I also put straw in there in winter on the ground and stacked on the walls to keep out the cold. It gets to be below zero at times so this keeps them warm without a heater. I don't use sand in winter because it doesn't hold any heat. I don't use only straw because it doesn't absorb anything so their feet just get very dirty and poopy.
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Pine shavings, 8-10 inches deep.

Fluffed when necessary, maybe every 2 weeks with a pitch fork.

Replaced no more than once a year.

Tossed into outdoor deep litter run to complete the decomposition into rich compost.

I use sand. I have dropping boards and clean the poop off them and the floor every morning. Next week I plan on changing the sand and washing the inside of the coop with vinegar and water. Last time I did this was early spring.
Poop board with sand and PDZ, roost scraped off and poops sifted out every few days(10 minutes) and goes to compost.

Kiln dried bagged pine shavings on vinyl covered floor, maybe 2-5 inches deep, path to feeder fluffed daily - near boards every few days - the rest fluffed occasionally, totally changed out every fall and go to compost.

Straw flakes in nests, changed out occasionally or as needed(poop/broken egg)...old straw gets dumped in run.

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