Coop Design Idea

So, say I wanted it to be 10 feet wide and 6 feet long... 4 pressure-treated 4x4's on concrete posts would not be sufficient to hold that?
I was thinking support posts not floor joists. If running them as joists you should be alright. My old 10 x 12 was like that but had more concrete support posts and hurricane screws and straps.
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Hmm, perhaps I'm designing this wrong (I'm not a carpenter or a structural engineer).

My thinking was that I would have 4 or 6 4x4s, about 8-9 feet tall. There would be 5 bearer beams (as the design is pentagonal), and I wasn't planning on having traditional floor joists (as I want to offer additional protection from weather and predators) but rather just 2x4s, flat to the base. If they need further support (which they would) perhaps 2 or 3 mid-span joists underneath them running from two of the bearer beams across. I worry that building a proper subfloor is beyond my skills and budget.

It sounds like it would be better for those bearer beams to be entirely above short posts (so instead of the posts going all the way to the top, it would be functionally a separate structure)?
You really don't need a Taj Mahal unless you want one. You could make, in effect, a pole barn using 4x4 posts and put in a sand floor. Toss sheeting around it, add a roof and build exterior access nest boxes for the hen's eggs. You could make low toward the ground exterior access nest boxes for the ducks too. My current duck is nuts. She free ranges and has decided to not lay in her normal nest box this year. She now lays in a flower bed in front of the house.
Hmm, perhaps I'm designing this wrong (I'm not a carpenter or a structural engineer).

My thinking was that I would have 4 or 6 4x4s, about 8-9 feet tall. There would be 5 bearer beams (as the design is pentagonal), and I wasn't planning on having traditional floor joists (as I want to offer additional protection from weather and predators) but rather just 2x4s, flat to the base. If they need further support (which they would) perhaps 2 or 3 mid-span joists underneath them running from two of the bearer beams across. I worry that building a proper subfloor is beyond my skills and budget.

It sounds like it would be better for those bearer beams to be entirely above short posts (so instead of the posts going all the way to the top, it would be functionally a separate structure)?

I am not no structural engineer either but u don't even have to have it up on the posts u could just put blocks on the ground set the house on it and put chicken wire in the ground the under the house and or u could just use concrete pavers so nothing can dig up under
if you elevate the coop it leaves a good place for them to find shelter. We use marine ply over the sub floor then linoleum glued to that, makes for easier cleaning.
This is an old recycled kids fort cubby house. Underneath doubles as a naughty rooster pen, ' sin bin '.

That looks exactly like my new breeding pens I just built. Ok, mine is much more primitive: no concrete block and kind of hodge podged together. But it's working great. I have 2' underneath and that seems fine for the birds. Don't forget a roost. I have metal roofing over the run since it's not that big. 11' long, 5'-6' wide. You will definitely want to think about waterers and feeders because when you make pens this size, it doesn't allow for a lot of room inside. And when the birds get down from their roost, they will hit them, or poop in them while they're sleeping. That was the first things that happened. I've got a temporary fix for the moment until I can get off for the weekend again and work on it.

It is finished now, but I don't have any current pic's (and I'm at work so I can't go out and get one). I'll get better pictures this evening (if I can remember).

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