Coop floor design


13 Years
Jul 25, 2008
Midlothian, Texas
I bought all the materials today and have finished putting the frame together. Some of the tractors I've seen have a wire mesh floor, I'm assuming so the poo goes through to the outside so the inside doesn't have to be cleaned out everyday.

If I do this type of floor doesn't it defeat the purpose of my girls coming in to stay warm in the winter if the entire bottom allows all the cold to come in?

All my little coops in my tractors have solid floors made from plywood. Not only do I worry about some cold temps but the predators sniffing around may scare them and I don't want that either. I just make the floor of the coop about 2" thick with shavings to help with clean up. I usually only have to add shavings because they get scattered and kicked out anyhow. Only if it looks really dirty do I take a large dustpan and scoop them out for garden or mulch use.

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