Coop floor?

What type of coop are you constructing? Are you looking at a tractor style, a walk-in large coop, a small coop that is only accessible to the birds and you access things from outside?
Our coop is a large, walk-in coop and has a solid wood floor which is bedded over with pine shavings.
We are in construction ( FINALLY) it's a walk in 10 by 12 coop, (walk in) it will eventually have a fenced run, but the birds will also be allowed outside/free range. I was thinking about sealing the wood floor then using straw or pine shavings.
I put some cheap vinyl on mine, will make it easier to clean being a smooth surface. Check your local 'building salvage' places or floor installation dealers and see if they have any remnants. I paid less than $.50 a foot for mine
I want to use linoleum on my floor, but I'm also wondering if floor paint would work just as well and be cheaper. I'm also wondering if predators can dig up through the plywood floor, and if so I will put hardware cloth on it, and line the walls with it. I'm sure my dogs can chew right through the walls if they want to.
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Thank you. I'm glad I can just paint it. If I cover it with hardware cloth, will that make it too hard to clean and scrape it?
It would do two things.
1. It would be a danger to the feet of the hens. Think of hopping down off the roost and landing on the wire. (even with shavings the wire would get exposed at times)

2. It would have way to many placed for poo to get stuck and be near impossible to clean properly.

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