Coop from salvage materials!!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 10, 2013
Joplin Mo
6 1/2ft tall x 8ft long x 4ft wide coop, with a closet door, and a storm window! Lol it's magical! This is it at 60% done.. Going to build a roost and nesting boxes.. Going to finish poultry netting, then done!
Very nice! Congrats on your resourcing! We started off with a chain link dog kennel that was given to us. Tacked on some old tin we had piled up in a corner. Used some bamboo my boys cut from a earby empty lot, as well as some ATV ramps we no longer use, for roosting. Had to buy t posts and chicken wire for expansion, but can't complain since all of our birds were given to us, with the exception of three my kids found on the side of the road. I must admit, though that yours looks a lot better than ours. With the humidity down here, I was afraid to use any wood at all. No paint. it's just plain ugly, but the ladies don't seem to mind. My oldest son says it closely resembles a prison. DH agrees.
Very nice! Congrats on your resourcing! We started off with a chain link dog kennel that was given to us. Tacked on some old tin we had piled up in a corner. Used some bamboo my boys cut from a earby empty lot, as well as some ATV ramps we no longer use, for roosting. Had to buy t posts and chicken wire for expansion, but can't complain since all of our birds were given to us, with the exception of three my kids found on the side of the road. I must admit, though that yours looks a lot better than ours. With the humidity down here, I was afraid to use any wood at all. No paint. it's just plain ugly, but the ladies don't seem to mind. My oldest son says it closely resembles a prison. DH agrees.
Even my paint was 60% off! I'm so pleased, especially after losing half of my flock to coyotes and a wild dog (within the same month!!) I wanted to no longer free range, so we had to expand. I thought the big glass window might help keep things warmer for when winter comes, and we will be able to protect them now. One of my barred rocks was "plucked" pretty badly and lost her coop mate by a wild dog this week. We took what we had, tore apart our chicken run, and got to work! I intend to finish it Sunday afternoon, so I will post final pics!! To me it's now about safety! I luv these gals, and want to protect them <3
Great idea. I do hope you have hardware cloth on the inside of the door though, can't tell from the pictures. Would hate for you to lose your chickens to a predator.
Great idea. I do hope you have hardware cloth on the inside of the door though, can't tell from the pictures. Would hate for you to lose your chickens to a predator.
going to staple down chicken wire to the inside of the door, add two latches and it should be good :)
Chicken wire is not strong enough to keep out most predators. Hardware cloth is a lot better. It can be a little pricey but it worth to keep your chickens safe.

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