Coop good enough for 6 hens and in snowy months?


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Although I'd love to build my chicken coop myself as much as I try I think it would be safer for my chickies if I buy one lol
So after scavenging the Internet for a chicken coop that would *comfortably* house my 6 chickens without breaking the bank, I finally came across this one -

Seems like a nice family run business but I haven't found any articles or reviews of them here and I wanted to know what you guys thought of this company and coop. And especially living in Michigan I want to know if you think this coop would be sturdy enough for winter months.

Also does the size sound about right for 6 hens?
Dimensions: 143”long x 68″wide x 67″tall

Just wanted to know all your guys opinions!
Thanks!! :D
They really overestimate the capacity. They don't give sq footage or dimensions of the coop, but it looks to be about 3x4 or 4x4, which really is only suitable for 4 at most. And that run isn't going to be big enough for more than 4. For $800, you can hire someone to build a chicken palace, better than this coop.
Just noticed that the roosting bars are tiny, and lower than the nest boxes. Most adult hens will end up sleeping in the nests, and you will have poo covered eggs. Plus, there's no way to adjust the roosts higher. The vents have to be closed to keep rain out, so ventilation is going to be a problem.
If I were you, I'd go ahead and build a coop. As long as you use good quality materials, the coop will be safe and sturdy. Also, you can build the coop to how you want it to look and how you want is to be designed for your needs.

A good backup plan would be to buy one off craigslist, clean it well (bleach) and fix it up (if it needs fixing).

Okay, thanks! I've been starting to look around for some good coop plans, since i'm a total novice at this lol do you have any suggestions?
4 birds, max. And that's if you cover the run. I don't see how on earth one would cram ten large fowl birds in that coop.

edited--sorry, got interrupted. I agree the coop is too small for the number of birds you're waning, especially with the likelihood of prolonged confinement. I agree if you look for a shed type building, that would be your best bet. Or, hire someone to build a coop for you. Unless you want to go with bantams
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