Ended Coop Page Contest #2 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

I would like to know where I can see more information on the coop that is showing up as the headlining photo for this thread on the home page? Can anybody help with that?
Very Nice Kyle Townsend! We built our very first Tractor - Heavy as all get out ! Need the Ranger to move it! You did an awsome job!
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Which coop? If the one on the homepage, you should be able to click it.

Or do you mean this coop below? If yes, then unfortunately I have no idea where that image came from... sorry. :(

yes, the one on the home page where you can click thru the coop of the week, chicken of the week, coop contest, etc. I click on the picture and it does bring me to this page, but I haven't found the picture of that coop here in this thread or wherever it may be.

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