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I am so proud of the coop my hubby built, our chickens love it. In response to forecast record heat this year, 117 on Saturday. He just put a small air conditioner in it. Spoiled chickens.
Hi and welcome to BYC I am glad you could join us very nice coop, how did you hold up in the heat well I geuss living down there you are probably used to the heat like that. But anyways I can't wait until I get started on the new coop it will have the built in breeding pen with its own separate run, then the rest is for my mixed flock and if there is space left we can go and add in a brooder/broody pen. And to prevent fire from heat lamp catching on fire the heat lamps will be attached to the roof wih brackets and still down low enough that they won't heat the roof and cause a fire also I am hoping to have something to keep them cool in the summer. But anyways what are the dimensions to your coop and how long did it take to build? Thanks
Thanks for the welcome, the coop measures 8 feet by 8 feet by 8 feet tall. It is 2x4 construction with siding on the outside, plywood on the inside and R13 fiberglass insulation in the walls and roof. It has a 6 foot by 1 foot window on both sides screened with expanded metal and an adjustable cover. The run is also 8 x 8 x 8 and is expanded metal and deer fencing, we were worried about the resident bobcat and/or coyotes getting in, the expanded metal is wrapped under the whole thing to prevent anything from digging in from the outside. We own a machine shop, so my husband sort of over engineered it, we really wanted our ladies to be comfortable and safe.
It took him about 5 weekends and $2700.00 to get it done. As for the heat, yesterday hit 113 and today may go as high as 118, but so far so good. The little a/c is keeping the inside coop at 80 degrees and the chickens have only come out in the early morning to demand their treats, then spend the rest of the day inside. I grew up in Florida and after 31 years still can't take the heat. Once it hits 110 I hibernate until the temps are reasonable again. Your coop sounds wonderful, good luck and can't wait to see it.
Anytime and mine sounds wonderful look at yours mine is going to be built mostly out of box crates so I won't be spending that much hopfully and then it will have siding that we have from my grams house it's brand new because they took it off as soon as they got the house set on the foundation. And I have tin it has the old holes in it so I will have to put the roofing screws down through the holes that's there.
The "Add Member Page" and "Add a Coop Design" buttons are not showing up for me.

You may need a few more posts to be able to create a coop page. I'm sure once you have a few more under your belt the "Add a coop page" will become available to you :D

I'm afraid these are anti spam measures and once the system recognises you as a genuine member you will be good to go. The more you post the more features become available to you.
You may need a few more posts to be able to create a coop page. I'm sure once you have a few more under your belt the "Add a coop page" will become available to you

I'm afraid these are anti spam measures and once the system recognises you as a genuine member you will be good to go. The more you post the more features become available to you.
Thank you, I will try to be more active. Looking forward to sharing my new coop.

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