coop pics for ducks/designs??

The top one with the roof over the top. Did you build this yourself? I want to build / buy a duck pen very similar to this.
I purchased a dog kennel, put Hardwire cloth on the bottom, chicken wire over the top and put chicken wire over the bottom 3 ft of the kennel to keep the ducks in and predators out.
We just built this yesterday and will adjust as we go. I have dogs in the yard so predators are few and far between and so far, the dogs have treed anything that has come into the yard and kept it away from my chickens and the ducks. I only have 4 ducks, and you are saying 12 so I don't know if this would work for you. But this was found to be the least expensive and easiest to costruct... plus it is mobile so we can move it wherever we want in the yard (well, after digging a little to get the hardwire cloth and the washtub pond out of the ground) Good luck!!

you can see 1 of the muscoveys poking its head through the mesh
Since I live smack in the middle of the city,I have no weasels,and have never seen a mink in my life..Dont think I would even know what one looks like..I have welded poles and wire across the tops because my ducks fly..And when I put them in the cage I want them to stay not fly out..There is NO chance here of any thing digging..I have lived here for 10 years..Have no babies in that cage I think Im pretty good to go!!
Yeah me my opinion everyone has their own store of predators and their own ways of protecting their fowl. Chainlink isn't wrong, it works just fine for me too. I don't have digging predators in my area. I think you would be most advised to do a little research about what predators are in your area and make sure you are planning for that. There are a couple dogs next door but the girls seem smart enough not to tease them. BTW xfilesnumber1fan, I guess if you are number 1, I'll settle for number 2

Congrats on Runners! That's what I have and they are great! Such characters! Ducks will be the happiest in the world as long as they have a little swimming water and a little shelter.

I have since moved to a new place, but the setup is essentially the same...the ducks live in the yellow dog house and the chickens in the red hen house. A kiddie pool works great and all I do to empty it is dump it or cyphen it into a bucket and use it to water the lawn and garden. Ducks are great foragers and Runners are good layers too! Mine are also super affectionate and tame. Are you getting a mixed gender flock?
Do you have a blueprint for this coop? We are new at this and have some used trex materials and dont want to make a mistake! We have 4 ducklings, 2 welsh and 2 cambells. The house will be for predator protection at night. We will need to build a coop for them as we only have a chain linked fence in area of an acre. Will keep them in but wont keep predators out. Any help you can give would be great!
This is my setup, it is still a construction zone as you can see, all the rain we have been having here has really put a hault on our building.
Ineeds alot of finish work (it it will ever stop raining) but it is liveable for the moment. My husband designed everything and we are new to all of this so there is still alot to learn I am sure and we will have may have to make adjustments as we go.

We let them free range when we are home and we put them in a pen when we are gone and at night they have their coop.. On the coop we still have the shingle the roof and add all the trim work and my I think we are going to add a couple small vents for better ventilation and some painting to finish up. I am going to take out the dog house now that the coop is done and they have access to it. We plan to cage in the bottom area underneath the coop so they can have shade without having to go into the coop. We plan to deck in their small pool and add drainage pipe to it. We are also trying to decide on if we should add a top to the cage. And the biggest question of all what to do on the ground because it is turning into a mud hole and they love to play in the mud.

I dont have pictures of the inside yet but the left side is open in the bottom with heavy wire as the flooring this is where their food and water and the right side back has 6 divided off nesting boxes(which they probably will never use) then there is a big open spot at the front which has a door that allows access into the pen. The whole right side opens up as a door to allow for cleaning (which has proven to be a difficult task) and the little small long door opens up into the nesting boxes to allow for easier egg access, and their is a small door to the left to allow easy access to the food area

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