coop pics for ducks/designs??

I like the coops i saw above, along the same lines as my own. I also have runners
but i would suggest buying the smallest holed wire possible, runners are small, and i lost one of mine because it stuck its head through chicken wire one night, something came by and took its head. it was a gruesome discovery in the morning, i cried so much! but learned a lesson, i suggest buying the small wire with the little squares that are about half an inch by half inch( bunny coop wire?), NOT chicken wire, because ducks can stick thier long necks through the holes.
good luck
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I agree, get VERY seure fencing for Runners. They are so fun to watch, but mine would get out a lot. The neighbors probably saw me running behind them trying to round them up a few times. They were hillarious all traveling in a group. But we lost a few that way too. Have fun!
The run should be secure, but make sure they have a predator proof place to spend the night. Our 2 Khaki Campbells were left out one night in what we thought was a secure run...that was their last night:( Wish we would have chased them into the hen house one more time. Weasels or their family members can get into very small holes in fencing. They may not even kill to eat the duck...they just like to kill them!
Our ground looked exactly like this. We threw some quick growing grass seed in there and now they have grass instead of mud!!! It worked for us!!


We tried sod in the run. It look good for maybe 2 weeks. They ate all the grass and left the roots with all their muck on top. It was terrible, took a long time and a lot of effort to remove. Not something I'd recommend.

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