Coop pics****

All your chicken coops make me feel like mine are living in a chicken third world country
LOL! OMG- this made my day! Thanks for the laugh! Mines not too far up the social ladder either- have all 11 living in a concrete shed that's been split in half to accomodate them. Thanks all for the pics- this thread is inspiring me as I'm trying to thinking about their future permanent home on a small slope and looking to build a coop at the bottom and the top can house garden tools.
i am 10 and i am building one i designed for my hens in feburay.
I'm glad to hear that you are getting into chickens and are wanting to design and build your own coop.Do you know how many chickens you want and what kind.As you go with your coop or as you can please post pictures so I can See how you are coming along.Good Luck with it
Started with chickens in april. Hubby built run, I built nest boxes/roost box. All was great for warm weather- then came winter!!!! We got a foot of snow on halloween to show me how I didn't plan for winter. Did some quick wind blocking. At least now I know exactly how I need to change things and make it better once it warms up. 1st time teaches u everything and my chickens seem to be content. Next winter will be easier for them!
Now without the white stuff. 1st the rir group-3 ladies and their man share 10×40 run with nest/roost box attached to outside.
[/IMG] And freebie bg mixes, 2 hens, share 25 sq ft coop.
Here's some photos of my coop and run, I didn't have any plans but just built it from photos on found on the internet. I also built it on my own, so it took me a few months to complete.
I'm happy to say my chickens have been home for a month now and seem to be enjoying their coop and run.
I'm enjoying giving them different veggies and turning the dirt in some of the grazing beds for the worms.

Like your pen. How long and wide is the covered run? Have plans to build something very close to what you have built.

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