Coop pics****

here is the outside lights they had for halloween.

here they ae perched up on halloween night.

here are my ladies and my main man. lol

here is my run at halloween...
I WILL GET SOME CLEAR PICS OF THE WHOLE THING AND POST THEM. My coop is about 6 months old. and my chickens love it but we are fixing to put anothe run the size of the one we have butted to it and build another coop jus like the one we have on the other side of the new run cause we getting new chicks in march!!! and will be making a pig pen and duck enclosure soon and i will post pics of that as well. happy new year everyone. i had a eEGGceptional year.

Here are my roost ^^^^^^^^^

my run ^^^^^^^^

front of my coop ^^^^^^^^^^

front of coop n run ^^^^^^^^

the back of my coop^^^^^^^^
I had one of my best boxes but i guess it got lost on the way lol

Took about 3-4 months to build May-October. Coop approx. 4'X5'
Run is 5-6' long
We used building wrap (free) to keep the wind down.
Under the eaves is open for venting, covered in hardware cloth.
Hardware cloth used around run, etc. One of the bigger expenses. (68.00 a roll)
White paint is fence paint (wash) and I bought a quart of blue for trim.
Run is just plain dirt, they've made a dusting bowl under the coop.
The pellets that they scratch out turn to dust and build up inside the coop.
Come spring I'll clean it out, but it seems to help them in the winter have an extra layer from the frozen ground.
Use concrete brick with a ceramic bulb, to keep water from freezing.
Have one PCV tube feeder for oyster shell,use a regular plastic hanging feeder.
Siding was 21.00 a bundle, 2 bundles used. We opted to use new wood, as it will last longer.
Half the roofing was free, and it doesn't match too well, but free is free and it's just as good as the paid stuff. Used roofing membrane under shingles (free)
Use extensions from the house for winter lighting and warmth. (and water) Reptile 75w. bulb (infrered bulb) for extreme days only. Under 10 degrees.
Light comes on at 2am, shuts off at dawn. (winter only)
Use "Nite Eyes" on the nesting box for predators. I haven't had any. I thought I'd have trouble with chipmunks, mice and squirrels but so far I haven't.

Things to add in spring are a border around the bottom edges of coop to keep rain and weather from getting inside, figure out a drainage system around coop.

So far I am really happy with the coop. It has withstood hurricane Sandy and a few other nor'easters perfectly. Inside is cozy and safe for them.
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This is inside the middle addition.The floor isn't as bad as it looks.The opposite side is pretty much the same.It's about 8'x8'.

You can see in back rear is where I am connecting to the new addition.

As you can see I'm connecting the two coups together.The middle is going to be a walkway and dining room.

I've been working on mine off and on for awhile.I'm working at building a lil White Church when it's finished.A lot of my material is what was given to me.The door is made of tongue and grove maple flooring.I am going to use a lot of that in a lot of areas.It was free.Pallets,windows,plywood,and a lot of materials were either free or super cheep.
I am so jealous of these coops!!! They are amazing. I wish I had more flat land to build a nice big coop like some of those. Since i plan to get different breeds and keep them purebreds I'm gonna be busy making alot of trio coops this summer. Thanks for the great pics.
Oh my...jaw dropped on the floor! Exquisite adobe chicken house! Natural heat absorption and insulation properties, no cost materials and easily maintained- I'm speechless.

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