Coop pics****

Here are a few pictures of a coop my wife and her brother just finished building by themselves at our home near Tampa. It includes an exhaust fan to cool the chickens off when our Florida heat gets unbearable! Some of what they did was based on the "Palace Chicken Coop" which I saw pictures of here a few months ago. These pictures don't do it justice. They thought of everything!




I'm so jealous now
Everyone have so beautiful coops and pens!

I don't know if coop is the right word for ours henhouse, we have long, cold winters so it has to be considered in building. We builded brand new chickenhouse in summer 2012. It has about 40 square meters of space, I'm not sure if it's aboutb 430 square feet's in US?

All the walls are isolated, floors and roof too. There's much to do still, next summer we have to paint the outside walls, build outside penns, and so on... Also our geeses and ducks need new coops outside, so they can make it thru winter. Now they live inside the chicken house, but they play constantly with water, wich is quite bad for all the interior...

in fall the constructions caught standing because the air temperature began to sink below zero, and during the summer somehow my flock was duobled the amount, and they wouldn't all fit in the old coops :D Well anyhow, we know what we are doing all next summer :D

here's our place in constructing and last picture is from week before birds moved in:

at last the roof is waterproof :D in heavy rain!

booths getting in place

this image is from the door, in my right we have space for feeds and suplies.

Here you can get a touch of what size the booths are, these pics are from the moving day, nestboxes and some of the perches have been installed later on :)

Love everyone's pics. I love picking up new tips for the next coop we build.

Here are some pics of our coop. We had a 12x16 shed that was in poor condition, so we fixed it up for use as the coop. We have 3 separate coop areas inside, a large one for adult chickens and ducks, a medium one for babies and their parents, and a small area for guineas. We also have 4 large dog crates stacked up for use as rest havens for anyone who gets injured or seriously picked on. I built the permanant run this past summer, as the previous run did not survive even light snow. Good thing I did as we received a record 28" from one storm last month. We wanted to make our lives as easy as possible, so we have changed and re-configured things several times as we learn new things or hear great ideas from others. The next project is a walkway from the driveway to the coop. It is getting very muddy now, and we figure the grass won't last much longer, so we'll be digging out a path, filling with sand / gravel, and the putting stepping stones and pea stone down.

thomasboyle, that is such a nice coop and run! I am using sand in my run and really like how it works. I scoop and rake almost every morning and have no odor.
Love everyone's pics. I love picking up new tips for the next coop we build.

Here are some pics of our coop. We had a 12x16 shed that was in poor condition, so we fixed it up for use as the coop. We have 3 separate coop areas inside, a large one for adult chickens and ducks, a medium one for babies and their parents, and a small area for guineas. We also have 4 large dog crates stacked up for use as rest havens for anyone who gets injured or seriously picked on. I built the permanant run this past summer, as the previous run did not survive even light snow. Good thing I did as we received a record 28" from one storm last month. We wanted to make our lives as easy as possible, so we have changed and re-configured things several times as we learn new things or hear great ideas from others. The next project is a walkway from the driveway to the coop. It is getting very muddy now, and we figure the grass won't last much longer, so we'll be digging out a path, filling with sand / gravel, and the putting stepping stones and pea stone down.

WOU this is beatiful! This last winter picture is just like here:) Spring is comming soon, sun warms nicely and temperature is now -0 decrease (celsius) last night was -22 :O I love this barnstyle in your coop!!

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