Coop pics****

I really like all of these chicken coops. they're all so nice and I've stolen some of the ideas to help me with our chicken coop. We start the buying and building process today.
Here's my coop. All that's left is finishing the lid on the nesting box.

I've posted this video elsewhere, but it explains the rainwater harvesting nipple watering system and feeder I built:

Great coops, TXchickmom and hifidelity. They look fantastic! I'm tring to work on mine today, but painting if dificult when the paint almost dries on the brush before it touches the wood - because of the wind. And we here in OK would like to know what rainwater is. I might remember some from a long time ago.
Here's ours! It's still in the process of being built.



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I added to the coop and will be expanding the run, then I'm putting down grass seed around it along with straw so it will grow. But this is all recycled materials!

The girls moved in today:) unfortunately we can't free range in the city so my husband built them a 17 foot long chicken run. All 5 (6 week old) are really enjoying their new home. Now quick question for you experienced people how on earth do you get yours into their coops at night? I've been told they'll do it on their own but I had to put them inside. I locked it up (8 locks) and instead of roosting they huddled together in the corner freaking out.

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