Coop pics****

Her is another pic

My coop was built below my childhood play climber. I reused a lot of old wood from walls that used to be on the climber. I also have an old curtain rod as a roost and a piece from an Amish horse harness that is a roost/swing that the girls really enjoy. I reused a shutter at the chicken entrance to the top shelf so I can lock the girls up or down as needed. All the walls to the top shelf are removable for easy egg collection and easy/thorough cleaning. I wired up the walls and the entire floor of the coop to keep predators out and chickens in! all doors are double locked.( I had issues with the neighbor kids opening my coop and leaving it open so I had to invest in a better lock system). I bed with sand on the main level and I use wood shavings and straw on the shelf. On the shelf floor I also added linoleum as a base so I can really clean it easily. so far the girls don't seem to make much of a mess up there though, since it is where their nesting buckets are located. building around the dimensions of the climber was a bit difficult but we had a pre-made structure and lots of reusable material that made it much easier. Now that I have my chickens in their and I know they are happy and safe, all the effort was soo worth it!

My coop was built below my childhood play climber. I reused a lot of old wood from walls that used to be on the climber. I also have an old curtain rod as a roost and a piece from an Amish horse harness that is a roost/swing that the girls really enjoy. I reused a shutter at the chicken entrance to the top shelf so I can lock the girls up or down as needed. All the walls to the top shelf are removable for easy egg collection and easy/thorough cleaning. I wired up the walls and the entire floor of the coop to keep predators out and chickens in! all doors are double locked.( I had issues with the neighbor kids opening my coop and leaving it open so I had to invest in a better lock system). I bed with sand on the main level and I use wood shavings and straw on the shelf. On the shelf floor I also added linoleum as a base so I can really clean it easily. so far the girls don't seem to make much of a mess up there though, since it is where their nesting buckets are located. building around the dimensions of the climber was a bit difficult but we had a pre-made structure and lots of reusable material that made it much easier. Now that I have my chickens in their and I know they are happy and safe, all the effort was soo worth it!
I LOVE this!!! FIrst I love anything made from repurposed materials it is the only way I build anything lol. And second it is so cute, unique and creative. Very eye appealing. Id be proud to show it off in my yard. Good job!
We're three days into our "Duplex" project. It is a 4.5 x 12.5 raised coop split down the middle with wire and with an attached 12 x 12 split run. We've been taking pictures along the way, but pictures aren't loading for us still.

One half will house our 8 cochins and the other half our 10 langshans. Since they'll be living at Grandma and Grandpa's, we making an interior feeder that holds 50 pounds of feed and using chicken nipples and 5 gallon buckets of water. Grandma has hundreds of chickens and got the kids interested in it--they do 4-H. We can only have 8 here in town, so we have a 4 x 6 coop in our yard that we built last November.

My hubby hasn't fallen in love with our ladies like I have--they are sooooooooo addictive!!!!

My parents laugh because I've always been such a CITY girl!!
I have a blog and wrote an article about constructing our coop. I think the cinder block predator-proof wall foundation and barrier surrounding the outside of the coop may interest others. Also, check out my design for how to keep the chickens from roosting on top of the feeder and waterer. I made this up, "invented" it if you will.


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