Coop pics****

This is the coop my husband built for me :) We let our chickens out to rome around our yard in the day and they all go in the coop at night to sleep by themselves. We have 10 acres, my husband is now converting a metal shed we got for free from craigslist into a coop so that we can get more chickens ! We have alot of ventalation to add so it may take awhile but I will post pics when its done.
This is the coop my husband built for me :) We let our chickens out to rome around our yard in the day and they all go in the coop at night to sleep by themselves. We have 10 acres, my husband is now converting a metal shed we got for free from craigslist into a coop so that we can get more chickens ! We have alot of ventalation to add so it may take awhile but I will post pics when its done.
Wowzers!!!! Give him a hug!!! He did a great job! That's an aviary with that high run.
This is our coop.....






Not quite finished yet and more chickens to add who are currently in another pen. Will post more photos when finished :)

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