Coop pics****

Still have some cosmetic touches to do... will be painting the door and trimming it with white trim. Then will add the décor I bought and hand painted sign I made

Got the coop off CL. It was an old kids playhouse. It was bright obnoxious green with a tiny door, primed and painted it and cut a bigger door as well as an egg door on the side. Made the nesting boxes out of an extra bookshelf I had. Used extra wood for roosts. Pretty much just spent money on the run materials! I want to do more plantings but all in all I like how it turned out...but is it bad I'm already itching for more/bigger?!


This is our first coop. Original run was 4 feet by 6 feet which accommodates 5 birds nicely based on all the space requirements I could find. I just couldn't stand for them to be so penned up so I extended it. This coop is built from all salvaged materials with the exception of the wire and hinges/latches.Hope as many people get ideas from it like I did from everyone else who came before. Now go raise your chickens.
We just recently finished our run, which I guess is kind of big for 5 hens and a roo... it's 40 ft x 20 ft with a coup that is 7x8. My little pot pies have plenty of room to run around inside their pens, but we are also sure to let them free range around the back yard. I plan on taking pictures of it some time tomorrow and posting it up here. We worked hard on it, sweat way more that I like to admit, and literally bled for that run. (DH ended up cutting himself on his handsaw. well, it was more like a prick on the hand.)
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I am almost finished with my breeding coop for my Wyandottes. I just scrounged up some plywood for the roof, it will have metal roofing on over it but wanted something to help block some of the heat. I just have to finish getting all the hardware installed on the windows & doors and then it'll be pretty-much chicken ready. It's approximately 4ft x 4ft with 3 interior nesting boxes and a roost inside. pretty basic and should hold my 4 breeders comfortably.

I am loving all the coops on here and have some ideas for the next small breeding coop already!!

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