Coop pics****

All I need is for it to keep my chickens in during the day. I lock them in their coop at night and my outdoor husky keeps everything away.

We just moved into town after years in the country. I have always used chicken wire and free ranged, never lost birds to predators except once to an owl and once to a wolverine. My husky keeps everything else away including raccoons, coyotes, bears...

I've been a member here for years, I've seen all the arguments about chicken wire. Thank you for your concern but for my needs it works.
your welcome, yes i lock mine in coops at night to, can not free range, would love too just once to see what they would do, but we have a mean next door who would just get one at a time and have free dinner. so we made this bog yard for them, they have just as much room as some yards, its 30 x 60.
All I need is for it to keep my chickens in during the day. I lock them in their coop at night and my outdoor husky keeps everything away.

We just moved into town after years in the country. I have always used chicken wire and free ranged, never lost birds to predators except once to an owl and once to a wolverine. My husky keeps everything else away including raccoons, coyotes, bears...

I've been a member here for years, I've seen all the arguments about chicken wire. Thank you for your concern but for my needs it works.

I am with you Charliethezero. Chicken wire is fairly strong. I have Chihuahuas that bite at the wire, but I am going to build it so that the wire goes a few inches into the ground. Countersink it in a trench. I live in the city as well and I have no wild predators. They should be fine.
Started the breeder coop today..

Just to the north of the main coop

8' X 6' floor plan with slope roof. This rise will be 4' with pop door into run.

This face will be 6' with clean out door. The rest I'm playing by ear.

The run area is 30" X 50"

Location of Main coop
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Gilcamp4 that is a nice size run bet your girls love it.

Jewellan I never said chicken wire is strong. No offence but a Chihuahua is not a good indicator of predators strength or a good deterrent for them either at night. If I didn't have the dog I do now hardwire cloth would be a better option depending on how many losses are acceptable to me personally. I will say if you are comfortable with chicken wire and knowing one day it may not hold up that's your choice. I've seen too many people harp on someone for choosing different fencing then the all mighty 1/2" hardwire cloth. I do love it for coops and have mine enclosed with it, so not against it at all. Different circumstances arise, I spent $13 on 3x50ft hubby would not have been happy seeing the price for 50ft of hardwire cloth that "we" didn't need.
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Gilcamp4 that is a nice size run bet your girls love it.

Jewellan I never said chicken wire is strong. No offence but a Chihuahua is not a good indicator of predators strength or a good deterrent for them either at night. If I didn't have the dog I do now hardwire cloth would be a better option depending on how many losses are acceptable to me personally. I will say if you are comfortable with chicken wire and knowing one day it may not hold up that's your choice. I've seen too many people harp on someone for choosing different fencing then the all mighty 1/2" hardwire cloth. I do love it for coops and have mine enclosed with it, so not against it at all. Different circumstances arise, I spent $13 on 3x50ft hubby would not have been happy seeing the price for 50ft of hardwire cloth that "we" didn't need.

I don't understand. I never said that chicken wire was strong enough for predators, "fairy strong" is not a statement of "Strong". But it is strong enough for a yard in the middle of a city, with a six foot wooden privacy fence surrounding a backyard with only a Chihuahua to bother it. As far as it "One day not holding up" I don't understand that statement either. If it looks old or worn I will replace it. Even my Chihuahua is not allowed in my backyard when I am not with him.
Ah, didn't fully understand what you ment with chewing. As far as my other statement about may not standup was made generally not just to you, should have explained fuller. We, in general, use chicken wire knowing it won't stop most predators, so far I haven't had an issue and hope for never. That's what I ment by may/may not. I pretty much have the same setup as what you plan, hopefully neither will have problems.
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Ah, didn't fully understand what you ment with chewing. As far as my other statement about may not standup was made generally not just to you, should have explained fuller. We, in general, use chicken wire knowing it won't stop most predators, so far I haven't had an issue and hope for never. That's what I ment by may/may not. I pretty much have the same setup as what you plan, hopefully neither will have problems.

Mu Chihuahua hates them like he is a Lion, not a Doggie. So I have to watch him carefully anyway, He likes to try and dig under the run. I have to put bricks to stop him
I sure am glad that I do not have predators! I do have a hawk that lives in the tree next door, that is one of the main reason that my doggies are not alone in the yard. Beautiful Hawk though...just stunning. So for the mean time I have to keep a roof over the chicken run as well.
Hope I can let them out soon. but not until the Hawk moves.
Here is our finished coop! This is their second night in it.

I had a builder make the coop, but my DH and I built the run. I found one on this site that I loved and he did a great job.


The whiskey girls seem to love it but they don't go in the coop without help yet. I think I picked a very shady spot. I live in South Florida.

The coop is 4X6 and the run is 8 X12.



it is all hardware cloth( even the rafters) and it is partially buried under the run. I am going to put an apron of HC around the outside tomorrow as an extra measure of safety. I saw a raccoon on the property yesterday. I am also building my 5 gallon feeder and 2 gallon nipple waterer tomorrow as well. All ideas from the magnificent chickeneers on BYC. I think eventually I am going to put sand in the run, but for now it's the pine needles and leaves from the forest floor.
Feel free to critique. This is my first year and the Barnies are 8 weeks old. I have 2 Standard double laced and 2 Blues! My husband thinks I'm crazy.

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