Coop pics****

This is my first attempt. I am 69 years old and want my grandkids to experience what I did when my grampa had chickens. The drawer acts as the floor and has a plug in it to save shoveling the poop and shavings out. There will be a compost on the far end with a catwalk over it going into into a 10 by 10 fenced run. Hopefully the local eagles will be unable to snack on my little flock of four Bards. So far they love it and soon will get some fresh eggs. The nesting boxes are available at my grandaughters height. Might need more sunlight and ventalation. The overhang is screened for bugs and things bigger....comments please..PC
Papachips, this coop is beyond adorable! You have lucky hens AND lucky grand kids! Good for you! You have a way with wood that's for sure, this is as nice as a custom mountain cabin for chicks! Wow! I love it! :love what great memories you will make. (More ventilation is always good, too ;) )
no carpenter but my first time building a structure. Not perfect but will work. YouTube was a big help :)
here is our finished yard and coops we have 58 chickens some to young to lay and dh said he thinks 3 are roos, I may keep 1 the rest will go, the floor between the 2 coops is going to be a run from both coops that way in bad weather they have room to move around the run is going to have a old back door as one wall then we have a storm window that dh is going to frame into other side wall, he said he is not sure how he is going to do the ends but I think one end will be built right at the coop with the side of coop as wall, not sure how he well do camper end..
they are have pie here, this last picture was right after we turned the camper around, they love it and we now have 20 chickens sleep in new coop. they can get under both and will also go under the run.
Hey Well done. I like the idea of the feeder tube outside. I used the same idea but mounted it on the inside of the coop door. Good luck
I repurposed my kids' playhouse when they outgrew it and made it into this coop. It is now a "playhouse" for my 3 Buffs and 2 Sussex. The girls love it, and I enjoyed building it. Got many of my ideas from BYC and took a couple of months to build it. I can't say enough about the wonderful resources on this website.


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