Coop Project: Maken the Plunge & Getting Chickens

Good to hear the chick is doing better. And that duck party sounds like a good time lol. I saw some super cute few day old ducks at the feed store today they were so tiny I was in baby duck love. I also saw another of my feed stores in town is still getting in chicks, now I need to steer clear of that store because hubby wont be to happy if I come home with more. Im looking forward to updated photos on the coops progression and also the chicks and ducks.
Every Morning I take the chicks outside for the day at about a quarter to six. I take the lid off the aquarium/brooder and grab 2 chicks and take them outside...come back grab a few more and when all the chicks are outside I come back and get the ducks.

The ducks have to go last. I took them out first one time and the chicks just get rude when I do that...

So yesterday morning, I took out 2 chicks and came back.....

I'm guessing that they couldn't wait to get outside.
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The ducks like their new larger water pan...and the turtles are happy that they have their old water dish back as well.

I came down to take a few shots of the ducks in their water pan, but Gerty thought that I was going to the garden. That's why she is diving out of the water pan; she gets real excited when someone goes into the garden. They all get excited when someone goes into the garden, they love it when you pull back the mulch and let them have at the worms an grubbies.
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So I was working on my egg boxes tonight. No pictures...they're just egg boxes. And I had this chick that kept getting under my feet while I was cutting wood with my chop-saw. I chased the little girl away about 3 or 4 times and she just kept coming back and getting under my feet. So I started paying attention as to WHY she was getting under my feet...seems there was this scrap block of wood that she has claimed and...well I was actually in HER way after all.

So I moved the block of wood out under the cottonwood tree. I guess she just wanted to be near that block of wood, she nestled right in and she seemed very content with its new location.

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Didn't seem to mind who was stepping on her or walking around her, as long as she was by her wood she was content...quietly peeping to herself...

Eventually she was able to find enough peace to take a nap...And I was able to get back to work on my egg boxes without worry of stepping on a chick.

It's great having chickens again.

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Looking good! I love how the chicks and ducks all cuddle together, so cute!

How many hours do you think you have into building the coop so far?
How many hours do I have into building the coop?

Dang that's a hard question...because my answer will then tell you how inept a carpenter I am. Oh heck...All told, I have about 28 hours into the build on this coop.

I'm definately not making wages...

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