Coop Project: Maken the Plunge & Getting Chickens

I must admit..that was a hot muggy day.

The pop-up was my wife's idea...she takes such good care of me...cuz I don't always.
So will Pecker be living in South Dakota, or......?

We just got our chicks, and I'm pretty sure if one turned out to be a Roo, I'd convince my husband to let him stay. We're lucky there's no ban on them here, but he really doesn't want a male anytime soon. We ordered seven, but only six ended up in the box, and I was sad for the chick that got left behind. :rolleyes: just keep hoping she made it into a new order, and didn't miss out on a home because of the mistake.
Last night I went out to check on the ducks...I heard a strange noise and got worried about them...So I went to shine my light under the coop to see if they were okay, and instead of the light coming on my laser pointer shined under the coop. Well those ducks shot out from under that coop and ran a few laps around the inside of the run; they were very excited to say the least.

That experience must have had a lasting effect; I went out tonight to round them up and put them in the run...they were already there.

That glowing red eyed monster must have made them realise how safe the run is...
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The flock has been spending the heat of the day under the trees in the backyard...or seeking shelter in the run.

Pecker always get this goofy look on his face after he's crowed...I still have not caught an image of him crowing.

Pecker's crows are not very loud. The ducks make much more noise with their quacking when they think I'm late in opening the run in the morning.

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