Coop Project: Maken the Plunge & Getting Chickens

The thing that amazes me about chickens is this:

If you have a 100 chickens, people do not raise an eyebrow, it's normal; but if you have a 100 cats, you're the lead-off story on the evening news.

Chickens......there's safety in numbers.
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Well at least you found them a great place to live. As a duck, what could be better than a giant pond?

I would have loved to have see them react to the pond when they first saw it yesterday. All these two know from my place are tubs of water.

Its also nice to know that they are not really gone...I can go see them anytime that I want.
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My wife and I went for a drive to see the ducks and see how they are doing. When we got to their new home, nobody was there but we coudl see them wondering the yard and catching grasshoppers. We didn't get otu we just watched them for a bit and I snapped a few photos. It was hard to see them, I miss them.

I check my little flock of girls each day, I hand feed them and look them over closely for any changes or potential problems that may need my further attention. I noticed for a while now that one of my hens has developed a nice red comb; her wattles are well developed, soft, and pliable. I was telling my wife that we might soon need some fake eggs for the nest boxes; so she pulled out a few old plastic Easter Eggs about 2 weeks ago...we put 2 in each nest box.

Since then, 3 more of the girls have developed nice red combs and wattles. One seems to be a late bloomer. I have been checking the egg boxes each day since. I could tell that the boxes were being investigated but I was losing hope that we would see eggs anytime soon.

I had had a long day yesterday. I didn't check the nest box until after I had put the girls in for the night and was headed back in the house.

It was a nice surprise.
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So are you going to save the egg till you get more, or are you going to cook the lone egg?
How old are your girls now?

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