Coop Project: Maken the Plunge & Getting Chickens

My little chicken project noe had an added detail of how to ensure that our puppy would grow up to be a dog that got along with the girls. It took a check-cord and about 2 Missy and the chickens get along pretty well.

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My Daughter's puppy is about 4 weeks older than Missy and when they get together its a lot of fun to watch them play and romp in the yard....the check cord came in handy again but the results are not as successful....Sadie is a hadnful and it is her concerted opion that the chickens want to play with her, they just don't know it yet.

She can be a bit trying....


We had a little excitement this fall. One day the chickens just wents nuts and were making a racket. I went outside to see what was going on and there was a Falcon in our Cottonwood tree in the back yard.

Seems this little bird has been visiting quite regularly....

and has been snatching doves and sparrows off the bird feeder. I let the feeder go empty, we'll start feeding again when winter sets in, by then I'm sure that this little predator will have moved on to greener pastures.
Our girls have had their 1st snow storm and they just don't quite know what to think of the Snow. They will step in it, but just as quickly they jump right back out. They spend a lot of time walking around in the run and looking at the snow.

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Thanks for the update and pictures! Your new addition is adorable and I look forward to reading more about the chicken/puppy antics.

Those pictures of the falcon are outstanding. We have a hawk that hunts sparrows in our neighbor's yard and I am always a little worried he will start eyeballing my girls too.
I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. I love this time of and friends getting together. a little sad news to report on the chicken project. My daughter's 6 month old puppy went outside the other night and caught one of the chickens, ChaCha, outside the run. ChaCha was roosting on the roof of the coop and I had not gone out to lock up for the night. Long story short...ChaCha is dead, she was killed by Sadie. Its bizzare, Sadie has never shown any interest in the chickens, but something must have triggered her. She now has the taste and can no longer be trusted to come to our home, I lock up the birds when she comes over anymore.

It was pretty hard on the family. I was surprised how hard it was on the family, actually. I miss ChaCha....she was a good bird, one of my better layers in the home flock and just a darned friendly bird to have as a pet.
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