Coop project


7 Years
Sep 4, 2016
So its been 3 days already since I've started this little project. So I originally wanted to build my own coop but then some of you had suggested just buying a shed and making it into a coop. So i have a shed in my back yard and it hasn't been touched in 3 years (more because we lost the key for the shed) so what me and my boyfriend decided is to just clean the shed out of everything that was in there (everything was pretty much old and worthless so we just threw everything away). I just wanted to show you the inside and wanted to know your guys opinion if this is a good space for the chickens, any ideas how many chickens can fit in there (they are going to be free ranged so they will only be in that space for sleeping eating and popping out eggs). I still have a long way to go with fixing this shed still have to add more ventilation, take down the wood that is close to the floor, and a door for the chickens to get out.


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Heck yes! This is prime chicken real estate! My top couple tips are:
  1. Make the roosts higher than the nest boxes
  2. Make the nest boxes accessible from outside and at a comfortable height for you.
  3. Don't leave space on top of the next boxes where a chicken could stand. They will make poop mountains on it.
  4. Design it so it's easy to clean everything! (removable roosts, easily scooped out nest boxes, easy to scrape floor, etc.) Chickens POOP EVERYWHERE!
  5. Plan chickn food storage into your design.
Also, I'd love to see your progress with this! Maybe you could start a thread documenting your progress!?
So its been 3 days already since I've started this little project. So I originally wanted to build my own coop but then some of you had suggested just buying a shed and making it into a coop. So i have a shed in my back yard and it hasn't been touched in 3 years (more because we lost the key for the shed) so what me and my boyfriend decided is to just clean the shed out of everything that was in there (everything was pretty much old and worthless so we just threw everything away). I just wanted to show you the inside and wanted to know your guys opinion if this is a good space for the chickens, any ideas how many chickens can fit in there (they are going to be free ranged so they will only be in that space for sleeping eating and popping out eggs). I still have a long way to go with fixing this shed still have to add more ventilation, take down the wood that is close to the floor, and a door for the chickens to get out.
Looking good!
Heck yes! This is prime chicken real estate! My top couple tips are:
  1. Make the roosts higher than the nest boxes
  2. Make the nest boxes accessible from outside and at a comfortable height for you.
  3. Don't leave space on top of the next boxes where a chicken could stand. They will make poop mountains on it.
  4. Design it so it's easy to clean everything! (removable roosts, easily scooped out nest boxes, easy to scrape floor, etc.) Chickens POOP EVERYWHERE!
  5. Plan chickn food storage into your design.
Also, I'd love to see your progress with this! Maybe you could start a thread documenting your progress!?
Yea ill keep updating my progress, yea having removable roost and everything is a must, my family and i used to live on a ranch with many animals but my family ended up selling it for a house closer to town, good thing is we have a HUGE backyard and I am able to still have my favorite animal (CHICKENS!!) here. Thank you for all those tips, I really need all the help and ideas i can get just because i have the opportunity to actually customize the coop how i want!! im soo excited to move my chickens into here

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