Coop too small


its 75" from nest box to end and 26" wide.. it looked bigger online lol

I have a similar size coop and I added a 10x10 covered run and put a second matching coop inside the run. I plan on housing 2 LF in one and 2 bantams and a Svart Hona in the other.
I'm happy on how my purchased coop and built on addition turned out. I think my girls will be happy
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Oh... it's the same coop someone else bought and posted about a few days ago, and the consensus was that it was big enough for 1 bird full time. Not sure how many you need to fit in there, I have to assume it's more than 1. So under that assumption, you'll want to turn the entire unit into the coop:

Disassemble the floor and inside wall of the coop section along with any roost bar that's in there - basically you want the entire unit to be a big empty box.

Get plywood or cut plastic panels to cover up any of the wire areas that would be exposed to winds/rain - you don't want to panel up the whole thing but just the sides that face most of the winds or rain in your area. If bad weather isn't a huge problem in your area just covering 1 side should be enough.

Run a new roost bar lengthwise across the body of the structure. The tricky thing here is the slope of the roof is going to require that the roost sit rather low and frankly, the part under the lowest slope will probably not be usable at all. You need approx. 12" of usable roost space per bird.

Take the ramp and see if you can re-fit it to lead to the existing nest boxes.

So that takes care of the coop. You will need to add a run outside of that and/or provide adequate free ranging time outside of that.
Here is what my husband did to his parents coop. They have 4 chickens. They also get plenty of yard time.
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