Cooper’s Hawk


Mar 10, 2023
Hi! Wondering if anyone has experience with Cooper’s Hawks? They are smaller, but I know they are very stealthy hunters. How likely they take a chicken or duck? Who has had that happen? I’ve got mostly larger breeds - Orpingtons, Australorps, Barred Rock, and then some Easter Eggers. Also have Runner Ducks. Some not full grown yet though (4 months old).

My chickens have a large coop for nighttime but during they day they are in a run that is NOT covered. It’s essentially just a paddock. Lately I’ve noticed a Cooper’s Hawk. The crows and other birds in my area go INSANE when they see this hawk and usually they run it out. But it’s been back several times this week. Today it was on my property. Do they tend to stick around? Or move on after a while? Any advice on how to deter them? Should I net my paddock temporarily? I have an owl decoy. My run sits up against my barn, and my area is generally wooded and dense (I’m in Oregon). I have some little A-Frame huts for the birds to hide in in their paddock, but wondering if there’s anything else I should do or could do short of building them a total enclosed run (my neighbor free ranges hers without any problems for YEARS)
I have lost birds to Cooper's hawks several times. Usually it's smaller birds, youngsters or bantams. Last winter we lost two big Chantecler hens though, about a month apart.
When we have a bird killed by a raptor, we keep our flock locked in their safe coop/ run for at least two weeks, longer if we still see a hawk hanging around.
Your visitor is scouting out the situation, and will be having a chicken dinner if you don't protect your birds. Cover that run!
Usually hawks are after rodents and/ or songbirds, but don't count on it!
We have plenty of mice and rabbits and small birds in the area, so hoping he would find an easier dinner! I put up a temporary hawk net - that mesh black netting. Is that usually enough deterrent? I think I’ll be able to build a more substantial roof in the next few weeks, but that’s all I can do for right now. I also have a rooster. But he’s only 4 months…so maybe not protective/alert yet?
We had a Coopers attack one of our Barred Rock hens, hen escaped Bar Rk Roo actually killed the Coopers Hawk. FYI, I was only 10' away from the hen when the hawk went after it, My wife called the roo "The Flash" after that because of the speed that he was on that hawk.
Have lost ALOT of Seramas and chicks to Cooper hawks. Never a grown dual purpose sized bird though. They nest back behind the house in our woods. Have to deal with them every year.
We've had Coopers Hawks around for years. They usually hunt the songbirds going to a neighbor's feeders, but there have been several times I've seen them swoop down at my runner ducks as if to attack. We encourage crows to nest in our trees to protect the area. Our ducks free range during the day but I've also covered a large area adjacent to their enclosed run with multiple shade tarps and netting. Their pools are kept in that area and I can quickly put up temporary fencing to enclose it when predator birds are migrating through. I don't recommend using the lightweight, black garden bird netting to cover your run as songbirds can get caught in it and die. There is heavier netting with 1.5 to 2 inch holes found on Amazon that is sturdier and safer for the little birds.

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