Corid dosage?


8 Years
May 27, 2011
Is corid safe to use on my turkeys...I'm going with yes. I have 9.6 oral solution. What is the correct dosage?
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ok this is what I have her on. 9.6cc of corid per gallon. I also have Save-a-Chick in the water. I figured the electrolites and vitamens couldn't hurt. She was on anti-biotics yesterday. I still have the rest of my flock on antibiotics and plan on switching them over tomorrow on to corrid. Although no other bird are showing any symptoms. I also have her on an Ice pack to keep her cool
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I don't know if the doage for turkeys is different from that of chickens, but for chickens, to prevent coccidia when using non medicated food, it is 1 tsp. per gallon. If they have coccidia, then you treat with 2 tsp. per gallon . 9.6cc or ml is just shy of 2 tsp. so I would think that would be right. The larger the animal, the more they drink, so the more medication they would ingest. Sounds right to me.

Good luck!

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