Cornish cross feeding guide


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2022
Hi! I am new to backyard chickens and I’m having a hard time finding a solid feeding guide for Cornish cross broilers. I plan to ferment the food in order to get the most out of it but I’m having a hard time finding how much to give them and how often. I will be raising a total of 10 birds. Thanks in advance!
I always fed mine Green Mountain Feeds Organic Broiler Grower crumbles. (Starter mash before they were old enough to eat the crumbles.) Here's a link to the broiler crumbles: You don't need to do Organic! Organic grain is wicked expensive. If you can afford Organic, it produces a prettier looking bird (my butcher pointed that out with my birds), but I don't highly recommend it because for how much these birds will eat, it'll get costly quick.

Give them 24/7 feed in big feeders on the floor. Have multiple feeders and waterers. If you're looking to really pork them out, you want the feeders and waterers close to each other so the birds don't have to walk far.

@U_Stormcrow might be able to help you out with a guide. :)
You guys are awesome! Thank you so much! I do plan on doing organic feed as I’ve actually sourced all the individual components myself and will mix it according to a tried and true recipe I found online. Thank you all for these resources!

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