Cornish X used in breeding?


7 Years
Jun 8, 2015
I know i won't recreate a Cornish Cross, that's not what I'm after. My Midget White turkeys got me thinking though. Midget Whites are a cross of a heritage Royal Palm mated to a Broad Breasted. I've eaten my Midget Whites and I was satisfied. So, my question is, has anyone ever crossed a standard Cornish with a Cornish X with similar results? Maybe takes longer to grow out, but has larger breasts and still retains the ability to mate? Just a thought.
I've been researching this for next year and what I have mostly come across is that 4 breeds are needed to ensure there is enough genetic material to keep them healthy and not prone to certain disease. Apparently this is common in all livestock. My grandfather did cows and I've been looking at his lines too.

Anyway you could theoretically start with a Cornish cross mated to any heavy breed you like
Then a Cornish mated to the same or a different heavy breed depending on qualities you are looking for

You keep the biggest boys from the first crossing and I suppose as many girls as you need from the second crossing and mate those together for your ideal breed (hopefully!)

It seems like a multi year project even if you already have the adults you would need for the grandparents. But apparently is the best way to insure you don't lose the whole flock. I've seen photos of Cornish cross mated to a dark Cornish and the person said it wasn't worth it because of how long it took to reach maturity.

I am sure my ramblings are no help :D
Ha ha, your ramblings were of much help. Thank you. I'm not really worried about time though or commercial size. I only buy locally raised Humboldt grass fed beef, I'd like to do the same with all my meat. Better quality I have no problem paying for. When adding up costs I also take into account the manure I get in return for my garden as well. If I can raise them for the same price or less than the store plus all that free fertilizer for my garden, it's worth it. Oganic, free range chicken is about $6 a pound here.
Yeah it's about $5 a pound here, so I feel like I'm doing something wrong when people say their cost is under $1 a pound. I was proud of $2.40 a pound not including our time (which I'm assuming a lot of people don't bother to count)
We have 3 different hybrid meat birds wyandottes and dominiques so I'm trying to figure out if those are what I want as the grandparents or if I should run out and get jersey Giants or buffs or something to use. I haven't been successful in finding anywhere to buy more traditional birds as pullers, not sure I want to start over with babies this time of year.
We have been raising our own flock for several years. The main focus has been for capons, but the results and observations may assist in some of your questions.

Used this for two years
Parent 1 (P1)

Dark Cornish Cock Delaware Pullet
Family 1 (F1)
Sexlinked results
Whites are cockerals Red/Brown are pullets
Used for capons sold as pullets

Since the DC has a pea comb the sexlink ability enables positive identity of cockerals. The DC give shape characteristics, and the Del brings in a quicker development. Final carcass weight at processing time (22 weeks) is between 4.5 and 5 pounds.

Current Program
Dark Cornish Cock Welp Slow White Broiler Pullet
Family 1 (F1)
Cockeral all caponed 4 pullets held for program
Retained one F1 cock all large birds
Note: this entire batch of capons were lost to Mareks at 17 weeks
Dark Cornish Cock F1 Pullets
Family 2 (F2)
Cockeral all caponed sold most pullets
See weight note 3 pullets held for program
Sampling weight of two random 19 week old live birds was 10.3 #s and 9.8#s, date was 20150302 so after four years we are at the weight we have been trying to obtain. We will continue with this regiment.
Thus far all birds have been reared by the same
(P1)-DC cock. The retained F1 cockeral has exceeded the size of (P1).
Currently 20150310 collecting eggs from the above (F1) cock and (F2) pullets. Hopeful, but results won’t be available for 8 months

Thank you for sharing 4 years of work here!
I do have a question about the slow white, I'm guessing that is a cross breed only sold by welp hatchery? What is the body/grow time like on it? I'm okay with 12-20 weeks, but we will be eating everything, and won't be capon-izing (as fun as ball removal is post mortem...I just don't know if that's my thing :p )
We have been raising our own flock for several years. The main focus has been for capons, but the results and observations may assist in some of your questions.
[COLOR=000000] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000]Used this for two years
Parent 1 (P1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000]Dark Cornish Cock[/COLOR][COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Delaware Pullet
Family 1 (F1)
Sexlinked results
Whites are cockerals[COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Red/Brown are pullets[/COLOR]
Used for capons[COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]sold as pullets[/COLOR][/COLOR]​
[/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Since the DC has a pea comb the sexlink ability enables positive identity of cockerals. [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]The DC give shape characteristics, and the Del brings in a quicker development. [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Final carcass weight at processing time (22 weeks) [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]is between 4.5 and 5 pounds.
[COLOR=000000]Current Program[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000]Dark Cornish Cock[/COLOR][COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Welp Slow White Broiler Pullet
Family 1 (F1)
Cockeral all caponed[COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]4 pullets held for program[/COLOR]
Retained one F1 cock [COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]all large birds[/COLOR][/COLOR]​
[COLOR=000000]Note: this entire batch of capons were lost to Mareks at 17 weeks[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000]Dark Cornish Cock[/COLOR][COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]F1 Pullets
Family 2 (F2)
Cockeral all caponed[COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]sold most pullets[/COLOR]
See weight note[COLOR=000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]3 pullets held for program[/COLOR][/COLOR]​
[COLOR=000000]Sampling weight of two random 19 week old live birds was 10.3 #s and 9.8#s, date was 20150302 so after four years we are at the weight we have been trying to obtain. We will continue with this regiment.
[/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Thus far all birds have been reared by the same[/COLOR] [COLOR=000000](P1)-DC cock[/COLOR][COLOR=000000]. [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]The retained F1 cockeral has exceeded the size of (P1).
[/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Currently 20150310 collecting eggs from the above (F1) cock and (F2) pullets. [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Hopeful, but results won’t be available for 8 months[/COLOR]

[COLOR=000000] [/COLOR]
Are you by any chance willing to sell eggs?

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